Explain the New Testament's understanding of the death of Jesus Christ.


Explain the New Testament's understanding of the death of Jesus Christ.



(i) The death/the cross is the means by which the Kingdom of God is established.
(ii) In the gospels, Jesus spoke with his disciples about his coming death which was doing the will of God.
(iii)In John's gospel, the death is the 'hour' when the son glorifies the father and the father glorifies the son.
(iv) The blood shed on the cross is the blood that seals the New covenant.
(v) The death is a sacrifice that atones man's sin/the pascal lamb which liberates man from the bondage of sin.
(vi) Since God's loved the world, he gave his only beloved son whose death is the sign of God's love
for sacrifice of Christ.
(vii) It is the meeting point between the divine and the human - Jesus sealed the gap that separated
man with God - direct communication between man and God (e.g. the cutting of the temple curtain).
(viii) The Roman soldier at the time of Jesus' death confessed that Jesus was surely the son of God.
(ix) The death symbolized the day of God's judgment and the beginning of a new age (e.g. the
criminals crucified with Jesus and the dark that covered the whole world at the time of his death).
(x) Jesus is both the suffering servant Messiah and a universal Messiah.
(xi) His death broke the hard hearts of men - the crowd that jeered at him was moved when Jesus died.
(xii) It symbolized the victory of good over evil.
(xiii)The death was the source of boldness during the apostolic preaching since they believed that they
had already been saved and incorporated in the risen Lord.
Kavungya answered the question on November 15, 2022 at 11:48

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