What was the significance of Abraham's call for him and his descendants?


What was the significance of Abraham's call for him and his descendants?



(i) They are expected to emulate Abraham's example (Heb. 8:9-19)
(ii) God's promise was not a personal reward to Abraham. It was part of a grand plan through which all mankind would benefit. (Gen. 12:3). He is the ancestor of Jesus who brought salvation to all men (Acts , Gal. 3:16, 29).
(iii)The willingness of Abraham to leave his motherland and go to a strange land signified an act of faith.
(iv) To Abraham's unquestionable act of faith, the chosen people (Abraham's descendants) owe their existence and destiny.
(v) Abraham 's descendants must note that physical descent from Abraham it not enough to guarantee them God's blessing. (Mt. 3:9).
Kavungya answered the question on November 15, 2022 at 12:02

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