Explain the teachings of prophets Hosea and Isaiah on idolatry.


Explain the teachings of prophets Hosea and Isaiah on idolatry.



– Hosea condemned idolatry comparing it to prostitution/harlotry.
– He accused the Israelites for assuming that their prosperity had come from the worship of Baals.
(Hosea 2:2-13)
– Hosea’s broken relationship symbolized God’s relationship with unfaithful Israel in Idolatry.
(Hosea 1 –2)
- Hosea emphasized that the covenant law forbade yet Israel had assumed/ignored the prohibitions.
– Hosea condemned Baal worship in bull/calf forms and pronounced judgement, punishment on idol
- Hosea prophesized that just as Gomer was to wait to resume her marriage relationship with her
husband, Israel must be punished before she is restored to favour.

– He held that idols are not gods, but were works of human hands, thus powerless.
– He challenged the nations to prove that their gods had been able to announce plan in history and
carry it through.
– Isaiah ridicules idol worshippers by making fun of the idol making industry.
- Isaiah proved that idols are powerless to save people.
– By contrast Isaiah emphasised that there is one God alone creator of all things (Isaiah 43:10)
Kavungya answered the question on November 16, 2022 at 06:58

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