The diagram below represents the structure of a quarter of the cow’s udder. Study it and answer the questions that follow.


The diagram below represents the structure of a quarter of the cow’s udder. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
(a)Name the parts labeled B and C.
(b)Name the process that takes place in the part labeled A and the hormone that controls it.
(c) State the function of the part labeled D.



(a)Name the parts labeled B and C.
B –Lactiferous duct /milk duct.
C- Gland cistern /milk cistern/lactiferous sinus.

(b)Name the process that takes place in the part labeled A and the hormone that controls it.
- Process –lactogenesis /milk secretion.
- Hormone – prolactin.

(c) State the function of the part labeled D.
- guards the teat canal.
- controls the opening and closing of the teat canal.
Kavungya answered the question on November 16, 2022 at 10:17

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