David Mulwa: Inheritance
The citizens suffer because of bad leadership. Lacuna Kasoo is a dictator who demands to be obeyed. Those who refuse to obey him are incarcerated and killed. Those who oppose him, like Bengo, are imprisoned.
Points of interpretation
Si: Bengo
Lacuna asks Judah Zen Melo to kill his brother Bengo because Bengo is opposing him. When Judah refuses, he is put out by Lacuna and he cannot get employment. His family suffers in his absence as Tamina his wife cannot make ends meet.
Sii: Subjects
Bad leadership causes suffering because Lacuna refuses to give licenses to farmers and they cannot grow or sell their products. He then buys the land cheaply and other people work on their farms as slaves. Lacuna employs people from his clan even when they are uneducated because he wants loyalty even if it is at the expense of efficiency. As a leader, Lacuna stashes away money in foreign accounts and the people are charged high taxes in order to repay the loans that he enjoys with his ministers and councilors.
Siii: Foreigners
Lacuna gives the imperialists a dam and the people spend a whole day getting a little amount of the precious commodity from the dam.
Siv: Lulu
Lacuna wants to marry Lulu forcefully because, as a leader, he assumes that he can do whatever he wants. He even has Lulu’s father murdered and this causes Tamina and Lulu untold suffering.
Bad leadership brings a lot of suffering to the citizens. They lack food and basic necessities like water, they lose their loved like Tamina and Lulu, ‘they also lose their property; this causes disillusionment among the people.
francis1897 answered the question on November 21, 2022 at 07:52
- a) The Short Story.
Moran (Ed), Memories We Lost and Other Stories
Basing your answer on Leo Tolstoy’s How Much Land Does One Need? Show how lack...(Solved)
a) The Short Story.
Moran (Ed), Memories We Lost and Other Stories
Basing your answer on Leo Tolstoy’s How Much Land Does One Need? Show how lack of contentment with what one has leads to destruction.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence by making one of them a relative clause.
(1) Naliaka joined our school this term....(Solved)
Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence by making one of them a relative clause.
(1) Naliaka joined our school this term. She is very good at grammar.
(2) The elephant is a very big animal. It is also very strong.
(3) The generator had been on the whole night. It broke down in the morning.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Change the following sentences into passive voice.
a. The mechanic changed the flat tire.
b. They will send her a dismissal letter.
c. The terrible news shocked everyone.(Solved)
Change the following sentences into passive voice.
a. The mechanic changed the flat tire.
b. They will send her a dismissal letter.
c. The terrible news shocked everyone.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Complete the sentences below using the most appropriate indefinite pronoun.
a. Does ________ know her?
b. We will get you _____ you are. You can’t hide for...(Solved)
Complete the sentences below using the most appropriate indefinite pronoun.
a. Does ________ know her?
b. We will get you _____ you are. You can’t hide for long.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow
“Yes, Papaai,” Resian said apprehensively. “I am here. Taiyo tells me you are calling me?”
“Yes, yes,”...(Solved)
Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow
“Yes, Papaai,” Resian said apprehensively. “I am here. Taiyo tells me you are calling me?”
“Yes, yes,” her father replied. “Please take a seat.”
“Yes, Papaai,” Resian repeated as she sat on a chair far away from her father.
“Come nearer…child,” her father said pleasantly.
“Why do you sit a mile away? Come nearer.”
Resian moved her chair hardly an inch from where it was and then she looked up into her father’s face with eager expectation.
“If I do remember well,” her father began in a low even tone, “you will be nineteen in September this year, am I right”
“You are quite right, Papaai.” Resian answered eyeing him curiously. His face was unusually kind. His eyes held hers as he smiled broadly. That’s it!’ she thought triumphantly. “That must be it!
“You and I have not discussed important issues for a long time,” he said with a friendly chuckle that was intended to bring her closer to him. “I thought today would be the best day to break the news. Your future is very important to me, my dear child.”
Resian thought the concern in her father’s voice, rang false. She hesitated, but could not hold herself any more. The anxiety was too great.
“Papaai, is it Yeiyo or Taiyo who spoke to you?” she asked sensationally, thinking she was stating the obvious. But seeing her father’s face cloud, she added quickly.
“Who between them spoke to you about our enrolment at the Egerton University?”
“What are you talking about, child? Her father, who seemed dumbfounded, asked after a long and uncomfortable silence.
“Both Yeiyo and Taiyo promised to talk to you about it, and I thought she had.”
“What, in the name of God are you talking about, child?” he repeated, this time agitated and shaking his head vigorously. “No, I have never spoken to anybody about any of you enrolling at the university. Never! When I said I wanted us to discuss your future, that isn’t what I meant at all. Of course not!”Resian looked at her father’s face enquiringly.
1. What has happened before the excerpt?
2. What is so ironical in this passage? Explain your answer referring to elsewhere in the novel.
3. “Your future is very important to me, my dear child” From elsewhere in the novel, explain why Ole Kaelo tells his daughter so.
4. Discuss two aspects of character in Resian in this excerpt.
5. What major issue is addressed in this excerpt?
6. Explain what happens after this excerpt.
7. “Who between them spoke to you about our enrolment at the Egerton University?” Rewrite in the indirect speech.
8. A part from irony, discuss any other aspect of style evident in the excerpt.
9. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions used in the excerpt.
(i) Apprehensively
(ii) Sit a mile away
(iii) Hold herself
(iv) Agitated
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- State the noun phrases in each of the following sentences.
a. He wishes to see the president.
b. My best friend is Jeff.
c. The girl in black...(Solved)
State the noun phrases in each of the following sentences.
a. He wishes to see the president.
b. My best friend is Jeff.
c. The girl in black dress is my girlfriend.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Join the following sentences using appropriate coordinating conjunction.
i. I love to travel. I hate travelling by water.
ii. He arrived at school late. He left...(Solved)
Join the following sentences using appropriate coordinating conjunction.
i. I love to travel. I hate travelling by water.
ii. He arrived at school late. He left home early.
iii. You should go to bed now. You will be tired tomorrow.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Use the correct preposition to fill in the blanks below
i. The students were doubtful ____the issue of assured security in the school compound.
ii. He was...(Solved)
Use the correct preposition to fill in the blanks below
i. The students were doubtful ____the issue of assured security in the school compound.
ii. He was attached ____ the robbery case.
iii. The student was told to admit ____ the mistake or being expelled from school.
iv. Her father finally agreed to insure his tractor ___ against the accident
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow.
The question is at least as old as Socrates: If we know what the right...(Solved)
Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow.
The question is at least as old as Socrates: If we know what the right thing to do is, why do we not do it? It is an especially acute question when applied to global warming. The science showing that carbon dioxide emissions are already changing the planet’s climate, and are likely to have severe effects (melting ice caps, sea-level rise, and species extinction), is compelling and now barely disputed. Almost 90% of Europeans say they recognize climate change as a major issue, and 75% identify fossil fuel emissions as a major cause.
And yet, as was widely discussed at a conference of environmentalists, geologists and writers in May 2006 in Ankelohe, Germany, public understanding has not translated into even the simplest of public actions. Less than 1% of Britons, for example, have switched their home electricity to renewable sources, even though it requires little more than a phone call to one’s existing provider. Proportions on the continent are slightly higher, but there is clearly no rush to go green or — shudder — stop driving cars.
Why such a disconnect between information and action? Part of the problem is that environmental advocates emit mixed messages. In mid-May 2006, Britain’s Guardian published a front-page story showing that five companies in Britain produce more CO2 pollution in a year than all the country’s motorists combined. That is a strong argument for targeting industries, but the average reader could hardly be blamed for thinking, “Why should I bother to cut down my driving?”
Similarly, not enough thought has been devoted to the best role for government. Climate change is too vast a problem for individuals to solve alone, and some big businesses have an incentive not to solve it. That leaves government to take the lead, which is tricky, because over-reliance on government can allow individuals to fob off their own responsibilities. What is worse, government power seems to tickle autocratic fantasies. In my experience, environmentalists spend far too much energy advocating hard-line government ‘solutions’ that do not stand a chance of being enacted. Sure, it might be good for the planet if governments banned the use of sports-utility vehicles or, for that matter, of all fossil fuels. Yet not only is it hard to sell outright prohibitions to voters, but the sad truth is that governments have a woeful record in even the mildest interventions. One of the most Significant innovations in the last decade has been Europe’s carbon-emission trading scheme: some 12 000 companies, responsible for more than half of the EU’s emissions, have been assigned quotas. Companies with unused allowances can sell them; the higher the price, the greater the incentive for firms to cut their use of fossil fuels. The system seemed to work for about a year — but now it turns out that Europe’s governments allocated far too many credits, which will likely hinder the program’s effectiveness for years.
Perhaps the real reason that well-intentioned consumers do not change is that they do not see any benefit. Climate change may be a frightening, irreversible calamity, but its worst effects will not be felt next week or next year. The planet looks the same regardless of whether we use environmentally friendly technology or we do not care how much CO2 we emit. But sure as the sun rises and sets every day, if we do not cut down on carbon emissions, then we may not have a planet to hand over to the next generation.
(Adapted from Times, June 5, 2006)
a) According to the passage, what are the effects of global warming?
b) What, according to the passage, is the main cause of global warming?
c) How does Britain encourage people to use renewable electricity?
d) Paraphrase the following sentence: That is a strong argument for targeting industries, but the average reader could hardly be blamed for thinking, ‘Why should I bother to cut down my driving?’
e) What message does the writer communicate in this passage?
f) Explain the meaning of the following words and expression as used in the passage.
(i) fob off
(ii) incentive
(iii) calamity
(iv) go-green
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- State whether you will use rising or falling intonation in each of the following sentences
i. Come here!
ii. Did you see the teacher?(Solved)
State whether you will use rising or falling intonation in each of the following sentences
i. Come here!
ii. Did you see the teacher?
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Which word is pronounced as the each of the following?
i. World
ii. War(Solved)
Which word is pronounced as the each of the following?
i. World
ii. War
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- State the silent letter in each of the following words.
i. Fasten
ii. Salmon
iii. Logically
iv. Reign(Solved)
State the silent letter in each of the following words.
i. Fasten-
ii. Salmon-
iii. Logically-
iv. Reign-
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Study the oral literature below and answer the questions that follow.Teddy told Terry to tick ten tall ticks.i. Identify the genre above.(Solved)
Study the oral literature below and answer the questions that follow.
Teddy told Terry to tick ten tall ticks.
i. Identify the genre above.
ii. Which sound features has the above genre employed? Explain any three.
iii. Give three functions of the genre above
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.Substance Abuse has emerged in recent decades as a major concern both on and off the...(Solved)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow
Substance Abuse has emerged in recent decades as a major concern both on and off the job. Although reasons
vary, substance abuse can be a way that some people try to manage or reduce distress.
But it is important to be clear on what is generally meant by a drinking problem. In all cases related to alcohol
abuse, a common factor is the unfavorable effect alcohol has on the health or well-being of the drinker and his
or her associates. Common signs and symptoms that frequently indicate a drinking problem include being
constantly absent from work, causing on-the-job accidents and expressing grievances most of the time.
Alcoholic employees can sometimes go undetected for years. Coworkers cover up for those unable to perform
their jobs because of drunkenness. Even managers may be adept at concealing their alcohol abuse problems.
Their secretaries or loyal associates may cover up for them.
Alcoholics can be clever at inventing “credible” excuses when detected: “I must have a drink or two when I’m
entertaining customers, of course.”
Drug abuse, or drug addiction, exists when the taking of drugs, whether prescribed or non-prescribed, legal or
illegal, causes difficulties in any area of an individual’s life. Years ago, the stereotype of the drug user was
either of a glazed-eyed musician frantically beating his sticks on a tight skin or a person who dwelt in a slum.
Mass publicity on drug abuse has long since caused that stereotype to fade from view.
Complicating the ongoing war on drugs are changes in public attitude and drug-use patterns. It sometimes
seems that no sooner is progress made in combating one illegal drug than a different kind of substance abuse
comes into vogue. Ethyl alcohol was the social drug during prohibition (1920-1933), marijuana became the
social drug of the 1960s and 1970s and some observers believe that crack cocaine and possibly ecstasy –
another so-called upper – became the social drugs of the 1980s and 1990s. The drug of choice and people’s
attitude toward them may change, but the problem of drug abuse appears to be continuing unabated.
Pinpointing the specific symptom of alcohol and drug abuse problems is not a simple task. A supervisor’s main
responsibility therefore should not necessarily be uncovering evidence of dependency on alcohol and drugs but
instead being observant for declining job performance. Yet there are certain behavioral patterns that some
excessive users of alcohol and drugs display. These patterns can sometimes be spotted through simple
observation. Increasingly though, employers are taking more aggressive steps to ferret out substance abuse
among their workforces. A growing number of companies, especially large ones with many employees and
those in business with potential to effect public health or safety, are adopting drug-testing programmes.
The signs of alcohol dependency, unfortunately, do not always become manifest until the middle of the late
stages of the problem. No wonder some managers have mistaken an employee’s euphoric appearance for the
“look of love”. The earlier treatment begins, naturally, the earlier treatment begins, naturally, the easier it will
be. A person could experience some isolated incidents of such drinking problems without necessarily being a
alcoholic, however, alcohol abuse usually results in declining job performance.
Because there are many symptoms of drug abuse, no one person would exhibit all of them and a supervisor
should guard against assuming that the presence of one or more symptoms is conclusive of alcohol or drug
1. What is the main reason given for substance abuse?
2. From paragraph two, state three ways in which alcohol abuse can unfavorably affect the workmate of a
3. According to the passage, what is drug abuse?
4. What was the common misconception about who a drug user was?
5. Rewrite the following sentences using “as soon as”
It sometimes seems that no sooner is progress made in combating one illegal drug than a different kind
of substance abuse comes into vogue.
6. What can we infer about “prohibition”?
7. In not more than 55 words, summarize the reasons that make it difficult to effectively deal with
substance abuse.
8. Why do you think the author of the passage cautions supervisors against hastily concluding that one is a
drug abuser?
9. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Give a word with a similar pronunciation
i. Muscle
ii. Worn
iii. Come
iv. Which(Solved)
Give a word with a similar pronunciation
i. Muscle
ii. Worn
iii. Come
iv. Which
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Supply correct question tags to the following.
(i) Let us go home………………………….?
(ii) I am pleased with you, ……………………………...?(Solved)
Supply correct question tags to the following.
(i) Let us go home………………………….?
(ii) I am pleased with you, ……………………………...?
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Fill the blanks using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
(i) My father …………………. (begun, began) cooking lessons last month.
(ii) Her glasses ………………… (broke,...(Solved)
Fill the blanks using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
(i) My father …………………. (begun, began) cooking lessons last month.
(ii) Her glasses ………………… (broke, broken) when she fell.
(iii) Paulina ……………….(run, ran) to catch her Nissan to Lodwar this morning.
(iv) James ……………………… (rode, rid) a bicycle yesterday.
(v) We…………………...(spent, spend) the night in the cold.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Use a, an, or the to fill in the blank spaces below.
(i) I have ……………... European friend
(ii) We meet three times in …………………. year.
(iii) I...(Solved)
Use a, an, or the to fill in the blank spaces below.
(i) I have ……………... European friend
(ii) We meet three times in …………………. year.
(iii) I like …………………. honest person.
(iv) …………………….rhino is an endangered species.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun.
(i) The ball belongs to them. It is ………………………….
(ii) The country belongs to us. It is …………………………(Solved)
Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun.
(i) The ball belongs to them. It is ………………………….
(ii) The country belongs to us. It is …………………………
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences using pronouns where necessary to avoid repetition of the nouns in the sentences.
(i) The chef made a tasty meal and the...(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences using pronouns where necessary to avoid repetition of the nouns in the sentences.
(i) The chef made a tasty meal and the chef gave it to us.
(ii) The teacher looked at the car and quickly knew that the car was hers.
(iii) The employees were unhappy when the employees failed to finish the job.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)