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COMPREHENSION Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow ...


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow

When God made women out of man according to the biblical story of creation, He did not restrict her from doing certain type of jobs, nor did He forbid man from doing any king of chores. The only problem with us today is that we think like those who lived in age where men’s roles and women’s roles were clearly specified.
Consequently, it is rare to find a man at home doing chores like washing the dishes , preparing supper for the family or even cleaning the house while women of the house sits to watch the news or a programme she enjoys on television. This mindset has also been passed down to children, where you will find a girl working tirelessly around the house while her brother is comfortably stretched out on the sofa watching a movie. Why can’t we train our children to do what needs to be done irrespective of their gender?
Personally, I was brought up in a home where chores are divided equally among those present, and no amount of protesting could exonerate me from my assigned chores, which is why I find this gender sensitive somewhat discriminative. I once broached the issue of sharing chores with a friend of mine and his reaction was unpredictable, “You expect me to cook, wash dishes, clean the house and look after the baby? These are things I can’t do no matter how much I love her! My job is to put the food on the table and secure my children’s future,” he responded passionately. These are biases so deeply ingrained that it seems odd if a man tells he is a nurse. The question that naturally comes to mind will be, “Isn’t that a woman’s job?” because you expect a nurse to be a woman in pretty white or small stripped dress and white cap. However, the truth is that men are just capable of providing nursing care as female counterparts.
And turning to politics, how many of our constituencies have female representatives in parliament? Just a handful. And how many countries in the world have women presidents or prime ministers? Another handful. Many women have joined politics hoping to succeed where men have failed but quit after being frustrated by men’s obvious lack of trust in their abilities. But from those who have persevered, we can see that women do better than men since they start from basic level of the home, where they take care of their families and do everything to keep them going.
Another very peculiar field is football. Fans flock pub to watch male players juggle the ball and make their fancy moves and sometimes fight erupt after heated arguments about football games like world cup, premier League and other tournaments. But I have never heard people fight over Women’s World Cup or anybody disappointed after a women’s team he supports took a thrashing from an opponent.
Careers like engineering have also been affected by this negative trend. It is getting increasingly rare to find a woman in overalls lying under a heavy truck checking for engine trouble or repairing the brakes. This is considered a man’s job and many people believe cannot do it properly.
I believe it is time we got rid of those outdated beliefs and started appreciating women for who they are. We should give them a chance to prove themselves and open up more opportunities. Men should also realize that to do perfectly, one requires brain, not brawn, and if this continues, it will do more than good. Besides, what a man can do, a woman can do, sometimes even better.
Giving women an opportunity, will create a balance and bring the best in everyone.
(Adapted from: Daily Nation24thFebruary2010, Living Magazine page 2 – Gichuru Hesbon)

a) According to the passage, what seems to cause conflicts in gender roles today?

b) What is the author’s opinion on defined gender roles?

c) How has upbringing contributed to this opinion?

d) Make notes on duties of men and women as brought out in passage.

e) According to the passage, why are some careers considered male dominated in our society today?

f) In your opinion, should there be gender defined duties for boys and girls?

g) According to the passage, what should be done to get rid of outdated practice of defined gender roles?

h) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.
I. Exonerated
II. Ingrained
III. Peculiar
IV. Brawn



a) Many today still think like those who lived in an age where men’s roles were clearly specified.

b) He finds this gender sensitivity discriminative.

c) The author was brought up in a home where chores were divided equally among those present.

d) Men
- Put food on the table.
- Secure the children’s future.
- Cook/prepare supper.
- Wash the dishes.
- Clean the house.
- Look after the baby.

e) i) Politics – Many MPs and presidents are males, only a handful are females.
- Many women only join politics to succeed where men have failed but quit after being frustrated by men’s lack of trust in their abilities.
ii) Football – Fans flock pubs to watch male players and can even fight when their teams lose. ` This can never happen in the case of female players.
iii) Engineering – It is rare to find a woman lying under a heavy truck doing engine repairs as this considered a man’s job.

f) No.

g) We should start appreciating women for who they are. We should give them a chance to prove themselves and open up more opportunities.

h) i) Exonerated – Fleed/Liberated.
ii) Ingrained – So firmly held.
iii) Peculiar – Unique.
iv) Brawn – Physical strength/might.
francis1897 answered the question on November 21, 2022 at 12:07

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