a) Many today still think like those who lived in an age where men’s roles were clearly specified.
b) He finds this gender sensitivity discriminative.
c) The author was brought up in a home where chores were divided equally among those present.
d) Men
- Put food on the table.
- Secure the children’s future.
- Cook/prepare supper.
- Wash the dishes.
- Clean the house.
- Look after the baby.
e) i) Politics – Many MPs and presidents are males, only a handful are females.
- Many women only join politics to succeed where men have failed but quit after being frustrated by men’s lack of trust in their abilities.
ii) Football – Fans flock pubs to watch male players and can even fight when their teams lose. ` This can never happen in the case of female players.
iii) Engineering – It is rare to find a woman lying under a heavy truck doing engine repairs as this considered a man’s job.
f) No.
g) We should start appreciating women for who they are. We should give them a chance to prove themselves and open up more opportunities.
h) i) Exonerated – Fleed/Liberated.
ii) Ingrained – So firmly held.
iii) Peculiar – Unique.
iv) Brawn – Physical strength/might.
francis1897 answered the question on November 21, 2022 at 12:07
- Complete the telephone conversation below with appropriate responses.
You: ...
Teacher: Yes, you may come in. How can I help you, Maria?
You: Sorry to bother you, Sir....(Solved)
Complete the telephone conversation below with appropriate responses.
You: ...
Teacher: Yes, you may come in. How can I help you, Maria?
You: Sorry to bother you, Sir. Could you please show me Mr. Karanja’s desk?
Teacher: ...
You: He has sent me to pick a Geography textbook from his desk and to ask you to assist us with a pair of binoculars.
Teacher: The desk is over there. The book should just be on the table.
You: ...
Teacher: ...
You: Oh, here it is. You were right, Sir, it must have fallen from the desk.
Teacher: Now hurry up. The lesson is almost over and the teacher must be waiting for the book.
You: ...
Teacher: Oh, sorry. Here is the pair of binoculars. Be careful as you handle since its casting is broken.
You: ...
Teacher: ...
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Mary cannot bear children
i) Identify the above genre.
ii) Give the two possible meanings of the above.
iii) Give one function of the above genre.(Solved)
Mary cannot bear children
i) Identify the above genre.
ii) Give the two possible meanings of the above.
iii) Give one function of the above genre.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Indicate the appropriate intonation at the end of each sentence.
i) Have all the students been registered?
ii) Stop wasting time.
iii) That was superb!
iv) There is hope...(Solved)
Indicate the appropriate intonation at the end of each sentence.
i) Have all the students been registered?
ii) Stop wasting time.
iii) That was superb!
iv) There is hope for Cancer patients.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- For each of the following words, write another that is pronounced the same way but is spelt differently and has a different meaning.
i) Know
ii) Gate
For each of the following words, write another that is pronounced the same way but is spelt differently and has a different meaning.
i) Know
ii) Gate
iii) Bare
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow.
One afternoon, a big wolf waited in a dark forest for a little girl to come...(Solved)
Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow.
One afternoon, a big wolf waited in a dark forest for a little girl to come along carrying a basket of food to her grandmother. Finally the little did come along and she was carrying the basket of food. Are you carrying the basket to your grandmother? asked the wolf. The little girl answered,
“ ”Yes I am.” So the wolf asked the girl where her grandmother lived. When the girl told him, he disappeared to the woods.
When the little girl opened the door of her grandmother’s house, she noticed there was somebody in bed with a night cap and a night gown. She realized that it was the wolf, so the little girl took a gun from her basket and shot the wolf dead.
i) If you were narrating this story, how would you ensure your audience remains glued to the story?
i) How would you say the words of the girl and the wolf in your narration?
ii) How would you prepare yourself to effectively tell the story?
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Fill in the blanks in the passage below with an appropriate word.Four weeks to the Africities Summit, (i) ………………………….. the host city of Kisumu is...(Solved)
Fill in the blanks in the passage below with an appropriate word.
Four weeks to the Africities Summit, (i) …………………………..host city of Kisumu is bristling (ii) ……………………………………. excitement and anticipation, with good reason.
(iii) ………………………………….. 10,000 visitors are expected to converge on the lakeside city, drawn (iv) …………………………. By a continental summit that happens one every three (v) ………………………… About 5,000 of them will be foreign delegates keen to join in a discourse that African cities and how they evolving into a truly unpredictable (vi) …………………………… The other 4000 will be exhibitors at a gigantic exhibitions Center and service providers to ensure that the (vii) ………………………………. do not lack anything.
Many have been skeptical (viii) ………………………….. Kisumu could handle such a large influx of people even if it is the third largest city in the country. Well, the city is well-prepared in all aspects.
It has been for a while. Significant investments have been made in infrastructure and (ix) ……………………………. is still going on to complete roads around and near the Mambolea ASK Showground where the event will be held. The major streets are spruced up, as they have been for many months, thanks to the work done (x) …………………………. the County Government of Kisumu.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- During the mid-term break, you read an interesting novel and you would like to recommend it to one of your classmates. Write a book review...(Solved)
During the mid-term break, you read an interesting novel and you would like to recommend it to one of your classmates. Write a book review of the novel.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Drama: Inheritance: David Mulwa
“Fate has a way of punishing or rewarding its victims based on their actions”. Drawing illustrations from the play Inheritance by David...(Solved)
Drama: Inheritance: David Mulwa
“Fate has a way of punishing or rewarding its victims based on their actions”. Drawing illustrations from the play Inheritance by David Mulwa, Write an essay to justify this statement.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.
i. As soon as the students completed the exams, they returned all the books to the library...(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.
i. As soon as the students completed the exams, they returned all the books to the library (Begin: No sooner).
ii. If you invite him, he will come to the party (Rewrite.............. unless....................)
iii. My class teacher intervened. I was not sent home (combine into one sentence using ‘but for’)
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Supply the appropriate question tag to each of the following sentences. Punctuate then correctly.
1. He never goes out with his dog.
2. Let’s take the next...(Solved)
Supply the appropriate question tag to each of the following sentences. Punctuate then correctly.
1. He never goes out with his dog.
2. Let’s take the next bus.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition
i) I really prefer just about anything _____ watching television.
ii) Is it possible to unsure my bike_____ theft?
iii) Being...(Solved)
Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition
i) I really prefer just about anything _____ watching television.
ii) Is it possible to unsure my bike_____ theft?
iii) Being rich doesn’t count ____ much on a desert island
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- For each of the words below write another that is pronounced the same way but is spelt
differently and has a different meaning.
i) Bare -
ii) Stick...(Solved)
For each of the words below write another that is pronounced the same way but is spelt
differently and has a different meaning.
i) Bare -
ii) Stick -
iii) Threw -
iv) Forward -
v) To -
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Complete the sentence below with the correct form of word in brackets
Koki’s remark was..... (repeat) of what Ann had said.(Solved)
Complete the sentence below with the correct form of word in brackets
Koki’s remark was..... (repeat) of what Ann had said.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Fill the blanks with the correct prepositions.
a. James has a great passion .....debates.
b. My mother prohibited us ....talking to strangers.(Solved)
Fill the blanks with the correct prepositions.
a. James has a great passion .....debates.
b. My mother prohibited us ....talking to strangers.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Identify the odd one out in the underlined sounds.
i) chase chit choke chauffer cheque
ii) book pool fool tool cool
Identify the odd one out in the underlined sounds.
i) chase chit choke chauffer cheque
ii) book pool fool tool cool
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- You are giving verbal directions to a stranger in your estate. What are the main parts to consider?(Solved)
You are giving verbal directions to a stranger in your estate. What are the main parts to consider?
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- You have been summoned to the Discipline Teacher’s Office. You are in possession of a bag
that was reportedly missing. Complete the gaps in the following...(Solved)
You have been summoned to the Discipline Teacher’s Office. You are in possession of a bag
that was reportedly missing. Complete the gaps in the following conversation.
Discipline Teacher (knock!) Yes, come in, Good morning
Me ……
Discipline teacher: Are you innocent Kibaya?
Discipline teacher: Tell me about this missing bag.
Discipline teacher: Do you have any substantial proof?
Me: ……
Discipline teacher: Okey Innocent, I find your explanation convincing.
I feel it was a case of mistaken identity.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- For each of the following words, identify the silent letter
(i) Satchet
(ii) Tomb
(iii) Married
(iv) Mortgage
(v) Champagne(Solved)
For each of the following words, identify the silent letter
(i) Satchet
(ii) Tomb
(iii) Married
(iv) Mortgage
(v) Champagne
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow.
A greedy Old Man and the Sausage
Once upon a time, there lived an old man....(Solved)
Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow.
A greedy Old Man and the Sausage
Once upon a time, there lived an old man. One day he paid a visit to his in-laws. On entering the
house of his mother-in-law, he found that she had been roasting some meat, among which was
delicious looking sausage and she was not in the house. He immediately took the sausage and
quickly shoved it into his quiver. And it so happened that a piece of live coal had got stuck on
the sausage but the old man didn’t know. He quickly shut the quiver.
No sooner had he sat down than the owner of the house came in. They sat down to talk about the
children’s health. When they had finished, it was time for the old man to return to his home. Just
then, the woman noticed smoke issuing from the quiver and asked the old man; “Paker, how
come the quiver is smoking? The man answered, “Oh. It’s some naughty fire stick with a soft
head that smokes whenever it comes into contact with soft wood and the arrows.” The woman
kept quiet and got up to escort her guest.
When they had walked only a short distance, the fire made a hole in the quiver and the arrows
fell out, tak! together with the stolen sausage. The lady, who was walking closely behind,
exclaimed: ‘see, had I not known it! Then the old man fearing that his sausage might be eaten
shouted, “Oh, my Paker, Please do not do it!”
So while the lady ran home in shame, the greedy old man continued with his journey in extreme
embarrassment. They showed each other their backs and there ends the story.
i) State three things a narrator would do to draw the audience’s attention at the beginning of the story
ii) Describe how a narrator would perform line 4-6 of the second paragraph
iii) Explain four ways in which audience can indicate active listening in the performance of this narrative
iv) Apart from using the ending formula, how else would a narrator signal to the audience the ending of his story?
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
It …… be impossible for us to continue living in this world if …… of us...(Solved)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
It …… be impossible for us to continue living in this world if …… of us knew
exactly ………fate had in ……for him. So God in His mercy
………the future from all His creatures, and reveals only the present.
……… a lamb had reason like a man, it could not ……happily, knowing it
was destined to be killed for human food. ………, being quite ignorant of its fate, it is
happy to the last minute of its short life contentedly ………in the meadow, and
even in its innocence licks the hand of the butcher …….is about to slaughter it.
Date posted: November 21, 2022. Answers (1)