1. Receiving Information: The information may be received from within the organization or outside the organization.Information from customers is outside information while information from department is an example of information from within.
2. Processing or Arranging Information:
The received and collected information have to be arranged in a systematic way. If not so,it may be hard to find information when needed.
3. Recording Information:
Both received and collected information should be properly recorded in suitable form.This may help in detecting any fraud.
4. Creating Records: The information should be converted into according to the needs and prepare financial statements
5. Processing or Arranging Information:
The received and collected information have to be arranged in a systematic way.
This may aid in retrieving the information when next needed.
6. Maintenance of Records: Created records should be maintained in a proper way for future reference.
7. Communication of Information:The office supplies information from its records as and when required by management for taking decisions.Good communication is key to success of any business.
kimemia5 answered the question on October 9, 2017 at 16:16
Provide proper and sufficient information
To facilitate functions of other departments
To facilitate decision -making
To plan the activities and implementation of such plan
To coordinate activities of all departments of the business
Wincate 1 answered the question on October 12, 2017 at 07:46
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