Radiation: Radiation is the process of transmission of energy by Electromagnetic waves and is the means by which energy emitted by the sun reaches the earth.
Conduction: Conduction is the process of heat transfer through matter by molecular activity. In this process heat is transferred from one part of a body to another or between two objects touching each other. Conduction occurs through molecular movement.
Convection: Convection is the process of the transfer of heat, through movement of a mass or substance from one place to another.
Convention is possible only in gases or fluids, for they alone have internal mass motions. In solid substances this type of heat transfer is impossible.
Heat Budget: If the total solar radiation reaches the outer limit of the atmosphere, about 32 percent is reflected by clouds of scattered back to space by suspended particles and it is not used to heat the air. The earth surface reflects 2 percent of radiation to the space.
The total reflectivity is known as earth's "albedo". The average albedo value for the earth is 34 percent.
About 19 percent of solar radiation is absorbed by gases and water vapour, about 24 percent is absorbed the earth from scattering of clouds and atmosphere.
Thus approximately two-thirds of the total radiation is effective in heating the earth.
Albedo: It is the capacity of any surface to reflect the incoming radiation (light) OR it is the ratio of incoming radiation to the outgoing radiation.
The total energy coming to the earth over a considerable period of time is equal to the total outward losses. If this were not so, the earth would seen become either very hot or very cold.
Actually there is a deficit of heat at higher latitudes and surplus in low latitudes.
Solar Constant: The sun is the source of more than 99 per cent of the thermal energy required for the physical processes taking place in the earth atmosphere system. Every minute, the sun radiates approximately 56 x 1026 calories of energy.
Solar constant is defined as the rate at which solar radiation is received outside the earth's atmosphere on a surface perpendicular to the sun's rays when the earth is at an average distance from the sun.
francis1897 answered the question on January 11, 2023 at 06:59