Discuss the effect of Temperature on Plant growth/crop production


Discuss the effect of Temperature on Plant growth/crop production



Air temperature is the most important weather parameter which affects the plant life.
The growth of higher plants is restricted to a temperature between 0 to 60o C and the optimum
i.e., 10o C to 40o C.
Beyond these limits, plants are damaged severely and even get killed. The maximum production of dry matter occurs when the temperature ranges from 20 and 30o C.
As already seen the temperature of a place is largely determined by latitude and altitude.
Based on the above the vegetation are classified as tropical (rain forest, desert, grassland), temperate (Grassland, deciduous forest), taiga (coniferous forest), tundra (low shrubby growth, lichens) and polar.
High night temperature favours growth of shoots and leaves and it also affects plant metabolism.
On the other hand low night temperature injures the plants.
Tender leaves and flowers are very sensitive to low temperature and frost.
Every plant has its own minimum, optimum and maximum temperature limits for its normal growth and reproduction.
The vital physiological activities of a plant stop both at below the minimum level and at above the maximum level, whereas physiological activities will be at its maximum at optimum temperature levels. These three levels of temperature are known as cardinal temperature points.
Apart from yield reductions, many visible injuries on the plants are seen due to Very low or very high temperature.

francis1897 answered the question on January 11, 2023 at 08:15

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