Describe the story of the raising of Jairus’ daughter LK 8:40-56.


Describe the story of the raising of Jairus’ daughter LK 8:40-56.



i. A man named Jairus an official of the synagogue came and humbled himself before Jesus
ii. He begged Jesus to go and heal his daughter who wasvery sick
iii. On the way to Jairus home a crowd of people followed him
iv. While on the way a message was brought to Him that Jairus daughter was dead.
v. Jesus told Jairus not to despair but to trust in God
vi. Jesus entered Jairus house with His disciples Peter, John and James and the girls’ parents.
vii. Jesus told the crowd not to mourn because the childwas asleep, to which they mocked Him
viii. He held the hand of the girl and commanded her to wake up.
ix. The girls rose from the dead to the amazement of those present
x. Jesus directed that some food be given to her
xi. He instructed her parents to keep this incident a secret
gideon1 answered the question on October 3, 2017 at 14:06

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