Describe the Process of Primary Production


Describe the Process of Primary Production



The general term "Production" is the creation of new organic matter. When a crop of wheat grows, new organic matter is created by the process of photosynthesis, which converts light energy into energy stored in chemical bonds within plant tissue. This energy fuels the metabolic machinery of the plant. New compounds and structures are synthesized, cells divide, and the plant grows in size over time. As was discussed in detail in a previous lecture, the plant requires sunlight, carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients, and through photosynthesis the plant produces reduced carbon compounds and oxygen.
Whether one measures the rate at which photosynthesis occurs, or the, rate at which the individual plant increases in mass, one is concerned with primary production (defined as: the synthesis and storage of organic molecules during the growth and, reproduction of photosynthetic organisms). The core idea is that new chemical compounds and new plant tissue are produced. Over time, primary production results in the addition of new plant biomass to the system. Consumers derive their energy from primary producers, either directly (e.g. herbivores and some detritivores), or indirectly (e.g. predators and other detritivores).
francis1897 answered the question on February 27, 2023 at 12:19

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