Describe parasitism in plants


Describe parasitism in plants



An example of a parasitic plant is the Dodder (Cuscuta sp.); often found twined round the sterns of clover plants or grasses, which it damages severely: The dodder plant consists of a long slender yellow or pinkish stem, with the leaves reduced to tiny scales, and roots being absent except for a short time after germination. At intervals along the twining stem small root like structures, called haustoria, link the Podder to its host and penetrate to the host's vascular bundles. In this way the parasite obtains Organic nutrients, water and mineral salts directly from the host. The Dodder is not fussy about its host. Any herbaceous plant can be infected. Woody plants are usually too hard for the haustoria to penetrate. If plants are densely packed, dodder will spread rapidly to adjacent plants. It can cause a great deal of damage to wheat or lucerne fields.
francis1897 answered the question on February 28, 2023 at 07:53

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