Mention the terms used in aerial survey


Mention the terms used in aerial survey



- Exposure station or air station- the position of the optical centre of the camera at the moment of exposure.
- Flying height-the elevation of the exposure station above the datum (usually mean sea level).
- Altitude-the vertical distance of the aircraft above the earth surface.
- Tilt- the angle between the aerial camera and the line of flight.
- Tip-the angle between the aerial camera and the horizontal axis perpendicular to the line of flight.
- Principal point-the point of intersection of the optical axis of the areal camera with the photographical plane
- Isocentre-the point on the aerial photograph in which the bisector of the angle of tilt meets the photograph.
- Nadir point-the image of the nadir, i.e. the point on the aerial photograph where a plumb line dropped from the front nodal point pierces the photograph.
- Scale-ratio of the focal length of the camera objective and the distance of the exposure station from the ground
francis1897 answered the question on February 28, 2023 at 08:15

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