Explain the religious ways of life of the pre Islamic Arabs.


Explain the religious ways of life of the pre Islamic Arabs.



- Believed in angels as daughters of God.
- Took Jinns to be God’s assistants in running this world.
- They worshiped idols throughout the year.
- They had gods and goddesses i.e. the god was Hubal and among the goddesses there was Al-manat.
- Respected the forbidden months and even never fought in them e.g. Rajab, Dhul-qada and Dhul-hajji.
- Worshipped earthly bodies like rocks, trees and mountains.
- Worshipped heavenly bodies e.g. like sun, moon, stars etc.
- Every street, market, homestead had its idols.
- Used to make sand moulds, milk a goat on them and worship them.
- Believed in which craft and magic.
- Believed in divination and reached their gods through arrows and birds.
- Believed in life after death but no resurrection.
- Their existed zoroastism these worshiped their god through fire.
- There were Hunafaz i.e. followers of prophet Musa who believed in one God.
- Christianity existed and these followed prophet Isa.
- Judaism also existed among the Jews.
- They fasted but there fasting was impure.
- They prayed but their prayers were irregular.
- They paid zakat but it was the poor to pay to the rich.
- Performed pilgrimage but used to run around the ka-aba naked, clapping while speaking obscene words.
francis1897 answered the question on March 1, 2023 at 11:55

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