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How did the coming of Islam change woman's way of life?


How did the coming of Islam change woman's way of life?



- Islam preached about equality and abolished social classes.
- They were allowed to worship their God.
- Their consent was first sought for before marriage.
- Islam put restrictions on divorce which limited it.
- They were given dowry before marriage.
- Women were given a right to divorce their husbands.
- Islam restricted polygamy up to a maximum of four.
- Islam prohibited the belief in superstitions e.g. considering women as a sign of bad luck.
- They were given a chance to speak in public especially in addressing fellow women.
- They were allowed to participate in politics.
- They were given a right to become leaders e.g. Aisha the prophet’s wife among the women.
- Killing of female babies was abolished by Islam.
- Women were allowed to inherit there deceased husband’s property.
- Islam liberated them economically as they allowed to own property.
- Islam prohibited zina.
- They were no longer used as co-laterals in case someone incurred a debt and failed to pay.
- They were allowed to visit their relatives.
francis1897 answered the question on March 1, 2023 at 12:04

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