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How did Islam change the way of life of the slaves?


How did Islam change the way of life of the slaves?



- They were given a right to marry.
- They were given a right to worship their God
- They were given a right to become leaders.
- Islam preached equality.
- Islam preached brotherhood.
- They were given a right to move.
- They were allowed visit their relatives.
- They were no longer to share accommodation with animals.
- They were paid wages for the work done.
- They were given freedom to speak.
- They were given freedom to participate in trade.
- They were no longer sold as goods and used for transporting goods.
- They were treated when fell sick.
- They were given time to rest.
- They were allowed to eat and drink the same food like their masters.
- They were allowed to put on the same clothes like their masters.
francis1897 answered the question on March 1, 2023 at 12:07

Next: Explain the injustices committed onto the slaves in the pre-Islamic Arabia
Previous: Explain how the institution of marriage transpired in the pre-Islamic Arabia

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