- After the fatra period when the revelation had stopped coming, one day the prophet was wondering in the desert.
- He heard the sound of a ringing bell.
- On turning, he saw Angel Gibril and got scared due to what had happened when they last met at Hira.
- The prophet decided to rush home and told his wife Khadija to cover him.
- No sooner had the prophet been covered than the angels appeared to him.
“....Oh, you who lie covered in a
cloak, arise and warn. Give up
unclean lines and give not in order
to be given more in return.....’’
(Quran 74:1-7)
- From the above verse, the word ‘’WARN” was instructing prophet Muhammad to start calling /warn people towards Islam.
- Gibril instructed the prophet to do it secretly thus the private call.
- The prophet begun with his family members and friends.
- Lady Khadija his beloved wife was the first convert.
- Ali bin Abu Talib his cousin was the second convert.
- Zaid Bin Harith their servant was the third.
- Abu-Bakr his close friend was the forth/ first adult man and first person outside the prophet’s house to convert.
- Other converts included Fatimah Bint Khattab, Abdul Rahmab Bin Awf, Saad Bin Wakasi, Uthman Bin Affan, and Zaid Bin Thabit among others.
- Abu Talib his uncle did not convert but he did not stop his son Ali from converting.
- After this message,Islam spread far and wide.
- It is said a total of 139 people converted to Islam through the private call.
francis1897 answered the question on March 1, 2023 at 13:35
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