- With the migration of the Muslims to Abyssinia the Meccans increased on their persecution of the Muslims.
- However this bad condition changed with the good news of the conversion of the two great men hamza and Umar.
- Hamza was a great fighter and hunter.
- He was also an uncle to the prophet but he had yet converted to Islam
- Hamza saw the Meccans torturing the prophet for no good reason and he felt sympathetic
- He decided to convert to protect his nephew a duty he executed so well until his death in 625AD at Uhud
- Umar on the other hand was a great wrestler and orator
- He was also one of the bitterest enemies of Islam and had promised to kill the prophet one day.
- Prophet Muhammad had always prayed to Allah to help him and convert one of the two greatest enemies of Islam. I.e. Abu-Jahal or Umar
- This came to pass in 617AD when Umar had been instructed by Abu-Jahal to go and kill the prophet
- Umar set out with his sword to fulfill his Vow.On his way, he met one of the early Muslim converts called Saad Bin Waqas
- Saad knew about the intensions of Umar and gave him news that before going to kill the prophet, he should first deal with his sister Fatuma who had converted to Islam and her husband.
- This indeed annoyed Umar who decided to first go and deal with his sister.
- As Umar approached the sister’s house, he had the Quran being recited.
- When they saw him coming they hide the parchment of the Quran they were reciting
- Umar stormed into their house and started to fight with the sister’s husband.
- When the sister came in to rescue her husband, Umar pushed her and she fell on the ground unconsciously.
- He kept on requesting for what they were reciting Fatma told him.
“You can do your worst but we have converted”
- Umar was surprised by the sister’s determination.
- He calmed down and humbly requested for what they were reciting.
- Fatma told Umar that he was impure and he wasn’t supposed to touch it.
- Then she read for Umar Surat Twaha
- The words touched him so much.
- He requested them to forgive him and also to take him to the prophet who was at Akam Bin Akam’s house, the Muslim’s meeting place, to declare himself a Muslim.
- He was escorted there but still had his sword on. The prophet ordered him to lose his sword and they talk.
- After he declared himself a Muslim and requested the prophet to pray for him so that God can forgive him his past sins.
- The news of Umar’s conversion was welcomed with great joy by the Muslims.
- Hamza and Umar became right hand men of the prophet and served him whole heartedly.
francis1897 answered the question on March 1, 2023 at 14:00
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