Of what value is the conversion of Umar and Hamza to Islam?


Of what value is the conversion of Umar and Hamza to Islam?



- It answered the prophet’s prayer as he always prayed for Umar’s conversion.
- It was a big blow to the Meccans as they lost strong men to the Muslim’s side.
- Umar declared Islam publically on the streets of Mecca.
- Muslims started praying openly at the Ka-aba because of Umar
- Many people converted to Islam because of Umar’s conversion to Islam.
- Showed the power of Quran since Umar just read and converted.
- Gave Muslims courage and made them safe as they had the two great men on their side.
- Umar migrated with the group of Muslims to medina in broad day night yet others moved at night fearing.
- Umar brought the suggestion of choosing someone to make Adhan.
- They participated in the battels against enemies of Islam.
- Umar participated in the signing of the treaty of Hudayibiya in 628 AD.
- Umar participated in the conquest of Mecca in 630 AD.
- They always gave the prophet advice when he needed it.
- Helped the prophet in recording of the Quran.
- They suffered in the social boycott alongside others Muslims for the sake of Islam.
- Meccans reduced their tortures as they feared the great men.
- Umar participated in the meeting for choosing the prophet’s successor.
- Umar brought the suggestion of compiling the Quran into a book form.
- They used their wealthy to help Muslims.
- They participated in the construction of the prophet’s mosque Quba.
francis1897 answered the question on March 1, 2023 at 14:01

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