Describe the Muslims exodus to Abyssinia 615 AD (UNEB 2017)


Describe the Muslims exodus to Abyssinia 615 AD (UNEB 2017)



- With the prophet, refusal to honour the proposals of the meccans in which they wanted him to stop preaching against their gods
- The Quraish decided to increase their tortures towards the prophet and his people
- The reason why the prophet chose Abyssinia is because king negus of Abyssinia was hospitable
- The prophet allowed some of his converts to go and seek asylum in Abyssinia
- There was the first group of 12 men and 4 women including Uthuman Bin Affan and his wife Rukaya daughter of the prophet
- It was in the month of Rajab 615AD
- They took boats from the sea port of SHU’AIBAH west of JEDDAH port crossed the RED SEA and entered ETHIOPIA
- They were deceived that the meccans had converted to Islam and they returned
- The 2nd group was later led by JAFFAR he moved with his wife ASIMA. They were 83 men and 11 women
- Upon arrival, the meccan quraish also sent envoys led by AMIR- BIN Al AAS to bring back the Muslims
- They took bribes with them to corrupt the king
- The king decided to listen to both groups ie the Muslims and the meccans
- Meccans told him that the Muslims had disowned their gods and were running away from their own culture.
- So they wanted to take them back to mecca
- Then the king also listened to Jaffar the Muslim leader
- Jaffar told him about the ignorance and darkness they lived in and how the prophet had been sent to them.
- The king requested Jaffar to recite to him what had been given to their prophet.
- Jaffar recited surat Mariam and the king said it was from the same source as that received by Moses.
- Negus gave Muslims refugee and the meccans went back without the Muslims
francis1897 answered the question on March 2, 2023 at 06:07

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