How did the pagans react to the migration to Abyssinia (UNEB 2017)?


How did the pagans react to the migration to Abyssinia (UNEB 2017)?



- One of the muslims converted to Christianity in Abysinia
- Showed the muslims love towards their religion
- Muslims in Abysinia became strangers and home sick
- Laid foundation for future islamization of Abysinia
- Muslims in Abysinia got freedom of worship
- Showed the truth of the message of Islam ie came from the same source like that of Moses
- Muslims who stayed behind in Mecca missed their relatives Laid foundation for the great hejira of 622AD
- Showed that truthfulness always wins over false hood as the king chose the side of the muslims

(reactions pegans had to the migration)
? Meccans were annoyed as the king chose the side of the muslims
? They planned to kill /murder the prophet
? The meccans lied to the Muslims that they had converted ie the 1st group
? They took bribes to bribe the king of Ethiopia
? Meccans increased totures on the muslims that stayed behind
? Resulted into the social boycott
? Meccans sent envoys to bring back the muslims to mecca
? Showed Islam had come to stay
francis1897 answered the question on March 2, 2023 at 06:18

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