Explain the events of the fall of mecca in 630AD


Explain the events of the fall of mecca in 630AD



- It was after the Meccan’s violation of the term of 628AD treaty of hudaibiyah
- The term that stated “in case of a war between the allies both parties were to remain neutral”
- This was violated after a clash over a water well between the Banu Bakr and the banu khuzza
- The meccan quraish helped their allies the banu bakr and killed some people out of the Banu khuzza
- The Banu khuzza reported the matter to the prophet and the prophet gave the meccans the following
1. End their alliance with the Banu Bakr
2. Identify the people killed among the Banu khuzza and pay their blood money
3. If they fail to adhere to the above, then they declare the treaty of Hudaibiya null and void
- The quraish went with the 3rd option of declaring the treaty null and void
- This annoyed the prophet and the muslims and they decided to punish the meccans for their action
- They moved with a force of about 10,000 men
- They went and camped near mecca
- The prophet told them to light a fire which drew the attention of the meccans
- Their leaders Abu Hakim and Abu Sufiyan came to see what had caused the fire
- The two were captured and the prophet moved them around the camp of the Muslims and even exaggerated their number
- He told them that they had come to conquer mecca at whatever cost
- This made Abu Sufiyan to convert to Islam. However the prophet told him that if they needed a peaceful conquest, they should do the following (meccans)
i. Close themselves in their houses
ii. Close themselves in Abu Sufiyan’s house
iii. Enter the Kaaba
iv. Should not oppose the prophet
v. Should not oppose the Muslims
- When Abu Sufiyan returned, the people accepted his call and did as they were told
- However in fear of the surprise attack and mistrust of the meccans, the prophet divided the Muslims army into 4 groups
- They entered mecca in 4 directions , north, south east and west
- He was the last to enter on his white camel. He came saying
“truthfulness has won over falsehood:
- After he called for a gathering on Mt rahma where he asked them
“what do you expect of my hand”
- They replied “mercy on generous brother”
- The prophet pardoned them and this act made most of them convert to Islam as they had expected revenge from the Muslims and the prophet
- After the prophet sent a search party led by Ali bin Abu Talib and removed idols from all peoples houses and the Kaaba
- Men took oath under the prophet and women took oath under Umar
francis1897 answered the question on March 2, 2023 at 07:16

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