Explain the effects of the conquest/fall of Mecca in 630AD


Explain the effects of the conquest/fall of Mecca in 630AD



1. The Kaaba was purified
2. Showed the truthfulness always wins over falsehood
3. Led to conversion of so many people to Islam
4. Showed that treaties should always be honoured
5. Ended enemity between the Muslims and meccans
6. Showed that the prophet’s mission had come to an end and was about to die
7. Mecca became a centre of worship for the muslims
8. Prophet granted general amnesty to the meccans
9. Greatness of Islam and its prophet were proved beyond doubt
10. Fulfilled God’s promise to the Muslims after the treaty of hudaibiyah
11. strengthened the political position of the prophet
12. irritated the Banu Thaqif of taif and led to the battle of Hunain
13. showed the kindness of the prophet as he pardoned the Meccans
14. The Muhjroons liberated their place of birth
francis1897 answered the question on March 2, 2023 at 07:18

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