Explain the contributions of (Abubakary, Umar, Uthuman, Ali)


Explain the contributions of (Abubakary, Umar, Uthuman, Ali)



Both in Mecca and Medina for all Caliphs
1. Always with those who protected the prophet
2. Always gave the prophet advise when he needed it
3. Always used his wealth in promoting Islam
4. Helped the prophet in preaching Islam
5. Since he was literate, helped in recording down the Quran&Hadith
6. Always comforted the prophet whenever he was distressed

Mecca only
1. Was among the early converts to Islam
2. Was tortured for the sake of Islam but never gave up
3. Migrated from his home to medina (Abubakr, Umaru, Ali) to Abysinia (Uthuman)

1. Participated in the construction of the prophet’s house and mosque
2. Was in the meeting for the formulation of adhan
3. Participated in battles (Uthuman missed Badr)
4. Participated in the signing of the treaty of Hudaibiyah in 628 AD
5. Participated in the Meccan conquest of 630 AD
6. Accompanied the prophet for the Fare pilgrimage in 632 AD
7. Participated in making burial arrangements for the prophet
8. Participated in choosing of the prophet’s successor
francis1897 answered the question on March 2, 2023 at 08:30

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