Describe how Uthuman became the successor of Umar?


Describe how Uthuman became the successor of Umar?



- When Umar was on his death bed after being stabbed by Abu- Lulu, he called for the Shura/ council.
- Names were proposed from which they were to choose a leader.
- The names were Uthuman, Ali, Talha bin Ubaidullah, Zubair bin Awaam, Saad bin Wakasi and Abdul Rahman Bin Awf.
- They were all caliph material and it became difficult to choose from amongst themselves.
- Abdul Rahman brought a suggestion that one should step down and preside over the election
- No one was willing to do that
- Abdul Rahman decided to take up the task
- As per the elections, all of them chose Uthuman except himself who chose Ali.
- Even Ali had voted for Uthuman
- Saad bin Wakasi who was away on state duties, on coming back, he said he would have voted Uthuman.
- Upon such an agreement, Uthuman was declared the successor of Umar.
- He ruled for twelve years i.e. between 644 – 656 AD
- The first 6 years of his reign were peaceful and productive however the last 6 were full of disorder .
francis1897 answered the question on March 2, 2023 at 08:42

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