- Economic growth – trade makes goods available where there is demand. It leads to development
of industries in both agricultural and manufacturing sectors.
- Industrial growth – demand for goods stimulates industrial growth more industries are set up to
satisfy increased demand.
- Trade enables Kenya to earn foreign currency which is used in local investment and imports.
- Kenya has developed its transport and communication through trade.
- Source of revenue
– The government earns revenue by changing sales tax on manufactured goods sold locally.
- Trade has created employment in sectors dealing with foreign trade as well as in wholesale and
retail enterprises.
- Trade has stimulated specialization in the production of goods. Countries specialize in areas
where they can produce quality products.
- Development of settlements – many towns owe their origin to starting of small markets.
gideon1 answered the question on October 4, 2017 at 05:02
- Outline four factors that influence trade(Solved)
Outline four factors that influence trade
Date posted: October 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- State three levels of monetary trade(Solved)
State three levels of monetary trade
Date posted: October 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- List three forms of telecommunication services in Kenya(Solved)
List three forms of telecommunication services in Kenya
Date posted: October 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- List three factors that led to the location of Mombasa as a city and port.(Solved)
List three factors that led to the location of Mombasa as a city and port.
Date posted: October 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- State three main functions of rural settlements.(Solved)
State three main functions of rural settlements.
Date posted: October 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Name two types of indigenous hard wood trees found in Kenyan forests.(Solved)
Name two types of indigenous hard wood trees found in Kenyan forests.
Date posted: October 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Identify three factors that favored the location of cement processing plant Athi River near
Identify three factors that favored the location of cement processing plant Athi River near
Date posted: October 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- State four factors that influence development of industries in Kenya(Solved)
State four factors that influence development of industries in Kenya
Date posted: October 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- State three ways in which marine fisheries in Kenya can be conserved(Solved)
State three ways in which marine fisheries in Kenya can be conserved
Date posted: October 4, 2017.
- The map below shows the physical region of Kenya . Use it to answer the Question that follows (Solved)
The map below shows the physical region of Kenya . Use it to answer the Question that follows

i)Name the region marked X Y and Z
ii) Give the major economic importance of each of the lakes marked S and T
iii) Describe how Mt Kenya was formed
Date posted: October 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- The map below shows the physical region of Kenya . Use it to answer the Question that follows (Solved)
The map below shows the physical region of Kenya . Use it to answer the Question that follows
i)Name the region marked X Y and Z
ii) Give the major economic importance of each of the lakes marked S and T
iii) Describe how Mt Kenya was formed
Date posted: October 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- The diagram below represent feature produced by faulting . use it to answer Question(Solved)
The diagram below represent feature produced by faulting . use it to answer Question

a) Name the feature marked p , Q and R
b)Differentiate between a normal fault and reverse fault
Date posted: October 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- The map below shows the location of some mountain ranges.(Solved)
The map below shows the location of some mountain ranges.

a) Name the ranges marked P ,Q , R and S
B. i) Apart from Fold mountains , name three other features resulting from folding
II) With the aid of labelled diagrams , describe how fold mountain are formed
C) Explain the significance of Fold mountains to human activities
Date posted: October 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- The map below shows the location of some mountain ranges.(Solved)
The map below shows the location of some mountain ranges.
a) Name the ranges marked P ,Q , R and S
B. i) Apart from Fold mountains , name three other features resulting from folding
II) With the aid of labelled diagrams , describe how fold mountain are formed
C) Explain the significance of Fold mountains to human activities
Date posted: October 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- The diagram below shows some types of folds. Use it to answer question
The diagram below shows some types of folds. Use it to answer question

a) Name the types of fold marked E, F and G
b) In which counties are the following fold mountain found?
(i) Andes
(ii) Cape Range
(iii) Alps
Date posted: October 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- The diagram below shows some features formed as a result of faulting
The diagram below shows some features formed as a result of faulting

Identify: (I) the angle marked j
(II) the feature marked k and l.
Date posted: October 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- The diagram below represent the structure of the atmosphere . use it to answer question(Solved)
The diagram below represent the structure of the atmosphere . use it to answer question

(a) Name : (I) the parts marked p and Q
(ii) The layer of discontinuity marked R
(b) state two characteristics of the weather condition in the atmosphere.
Date posted: October 3, 2017. Answers (1)
- State characteristics of equatorial rain forest.(Solved)
State characteristics of equatorial rain forest.
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)
- State the characteristics of minerals(Solved)
State the characteristics of minerals.
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)
- State advantages of using cumulative bar graphs.(Solved)
State advantages of using cumulative bar graphs.
Date posted: October 2, 2017. Answers (1)