What were the allegations made against Caliph Uthuman in the last 6 years of his reign?


What were the allegations made against Caliph Uthuman in the last 6 years of his reign?



1. Appointing incapable and weak governors
2. Un authorized use of money of the Baitul Mali
3. His son Harith was allowed 10% of the sale of produce on every deal effected in Madina
4. Allowed his weak governors to acquire a lot of wealth
5. Allowed his relatives to graze their animals on state farms
6. Appointed his cousin Marwan as chief Secretary
7. Accused of recalling Hakam bin Aas to Madinah yet he had been exiled by the prophet
8. Failed to fulfill his pledge which he made to an Egyptian delegation and this even led to his murder
9. Accused of changing the rituals of Hajj at Mina
10. Accused of burning copies of the Holy Quran except Thabit’s collection
11. Accused of exiling great companions of the prophet e.g Abu Dhahar
12. Stopped the payment of the allowances of Abdullah Bin Masud
13. Awarded large fields of land to his relatives
14. Gave a lot of precious jewelery and gem stones to his daughter
15. Marwan was given a 5th of war booty collected after the fall of North Africa.
francis1897 answered the question on March 2, 2023 at 11:07

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