What problems did Ali face during his leadership?


What problems did Ali face during his leadership?



1. He had unpopular politicians like Abu-Musa
2. Rebels were scattered everywhere and they were difficult to get
3. He had to first consolidate himself in power
4. The murderers of Uthuman were his supporters
5. The baitul-Maali was almost bankrupt
6. The rebellion of lady Aisha the prophet’s widow
7. The rebellion of Muawiya in Siffin
8. Clan divisionism began to show up e.g. Ummayads Vs the Hashmites
9. The changing of governors by Ali e.g. when he attempted to change Muawiya
10. The split support of the army
11. The compromising agreement between Ali and Muawiya at Siffin(arbitration)
12. Amir bin Al-Aas’s canning nature who tricked Ali
13. The role of the Sabaites under Abdullah bin Saba
14. The role of kharijites who created chaos in different parts of the empire
15. Loss of military generals like Malik and Ammar Bin Yasil
16. He assumed the office of caliph when Muslims were totally disorganized
17. He was betrayed by the people of Medinah who never supported him against Muawiya
18. The defection of Talha and Zubair after taking Oath
19. He was betrayed by the people of Basra after taking Oath
20. He was betrayed by his brother Aquil after being given a handsome salary by Muawiya.
francis1897 answered the question on March 2, 2023 at 11:14

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