1. The term spidiqah refers to the society for the propagation of islam and denouncement of innovations, Qadhism and atheism
2. It was established in 1979 with sheikh Muahmmad Ziwa as its Mufti and idris Lutaaya as a chief khadi
3. They first operated from Bilal mosque and then to kamwokya mosque and later Nakasero mosque
4. It was formed by the muslims who thought that the leader of the supreme council had deviated from the path of Allah
5. The major reason was with leadership of UMSC but later shifted to mismanagement and embezzlement of funds by the UMSC
6. As time went on, society officials preached against mauled, shirik etc as innovations
7. Ziwa condemned the UMSC officials for not telling the Muslims the truth about Islam
8. Therefore they shifted from administration to the interpretation of the Quran and hadith
9. The society went on and challenged the old sheikhs for conducting kutuba in Arabic only
10. Spidiqa gained many followers especially youths who had hated the old sheikhs way of preaching
11. The coming back of Sheikhs from Arabia added more strength to the sect
12. Ziwa gave them permission to preach to his followers
13. Later conflicts arose within Spidiqa because muslims were not happy with Ziwa’s behavior
14. Sheikh Lutaaya broke away as he compromised with UMSC
15. Lutaaya went and formed Buziga theological institute
16. At the climax of the conflict, one day day Ziwa stood up in the mosque to preach, members accused him of being drank which he denied.
17. He was banned from preaching ever again at nakasero
18. He then moved to Wilson road mosque and later to Kisenyi where he built a mosque with Njuki
19. The group that remained at nakasero came to be known as the Tabliq
francis1897 answered the question on March 3, 2023 at 05:21
- Explain the causes of the problems of the council (UMSC’s failure to fulfill the aims and objectives of its founders)(Solved)
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