- The ways it influenced the Muslim community are both positive and negative which include;
- It has taught pure orthodox Tawheed devoid of shirk
- They have made Muslims aware of innovations that were introduced in Islam
- They have emphasized Islamic dress code among the Muslim community
- Popularized the mosque Halaqat
- It made Muslims participate in politics e.g for the first time, Muslims started a political party called JEEMA(Justice Forum)
- They have constructed schools.
- They have popularized Islamic religion.
- They have strengthened Islamic brotherhood.
- They have instilled the spirit of help in the distressed communities.
- It has acted as a mouthpiece for the Muslim community
- They have encouraged women and girl education, which has been catered for
- Negatively, Further divided the already divided Muslim community
- They have radicalized the teaching of Islam
- There approach to missionary work was Repulsive
- They have created a gap between the traditional sheikhs and the youth
- They have deepened the gap between the old Muslims and the youth by constructing their own mosques
- They have introduced fundamentalism in Ugandan Islam
- Islam in Uganda acquired an image of violence and rigidity through their activities
- Islamic spirit of flexibility, accommodation and tolerance disappeared
- Old institutions of Islam in Ugandan e.g. mauled, Tariq were seriously compromised
- They paved the way for the dominance of the Hambali school of legal thoughts over the Shafie school which existed since the introduction of Islam in Uganda
- The Ash’ari school of theology was replaced by the Wahabi/salaf school of theology
- They set up a rival administration among the Muslim community. All Muslims were expected to be under UMSC, unfortunately, the movement set up its own administration
- Important aspects of developments were neglected e.g. Muslims welfare, economic empowerment etc
- Da’awa become the central theme much as it targeted fellow Muslims rather than non-muslims.
francis1897 answered the question on March 3, 2023 at 05:29
- Explain the factors for the rise of the Tablique movement in Uganda(Solved)
Explain the factors for the rise of the Tablique movement in Uganda
Date posted: March 3, 2023. Answers (1)
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Date posted: March 3, 2023. Answers (1)
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What are the reasons for the UMSC’s failure to fulfill the aims and objectives of its founders?
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What were the original ideas of the founders of the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC)?
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Explain the achievement of the UMSC (UNEB 2017)
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Describe the origin of Juma empya and Juma- Zukuli sects.
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What methods should be applied to handle the disunity/ wrangles/ conflicts among Muslims in Uganda.?
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Explain the causes of disunity/ wrangles/ conflicts among Muslims in Uganda.
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How did Islam reach Tooro?
Date posted: March 2, 2023. Answers (1)