What are some of the special education services children who are either hard of hearing or deaf generally require in order to receive an adequate...


What are some of the special education services children who are either hard of hearing or deaf generally require in order to receive an adequate education?



Such services may include:
- regular speech, language, and auditory training from a specialist;
- amplification systems;
- services of an interpreter for those students who use manual communication;
- favorable seating in the class to facilitate speech reading;
- captioned films/videos;
- assistance of a note taker, who takes notes for the student with a hearing loss, so that the student can fully attend to instruction;
- instruction for the teacher and peers in alternate communication methods, such as sign language; and counseling. (NICHCY, 2010)
francis1897 answered the question on March 9, 2023 at 11:09

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