What are the causes of deaf-blindness?


What are the causes of deaf-blindness?



Deaf blind individuals present a combination of vision loss and lack of hearing. The causes vary greatly from one case to the next.
- People could end up deaf and blind as a consequence of aging, as was the case of Spanish painter Francisco Goya.
- Conversely, other patients may actually be born deaf blind.
- some are the common ear and eye disease problems that come from genetics
- Parent's can transmit this problem to unborn children by consuming products that they shouldn't during pregnancy or because it comes from generations.
- Some of the most common problems are cataracts and glaucoma for blindness disease and for deafness causes we have acoustic neurinoma and alport syndrome. ,many people develop the disease by doing activities that require a lot of effort from both senses,
- Others loose them from accidents that they had, a good example of this are the many soldiers that come back from war with both problems.
- Problems from taking uncontrolled medications. Some pills that cause blindness are tylenol, zantac or botox, which are products that everyone use daily.

Regardless of the causes of this condition, the fact remains that deaf and blind individuals require a special deaf blind education in order to be able to communicate with others. The approach though differs depending on the particular characteristics. For instance, a person who experiences blindness after deafness will probably use sign language, while a tactile mode of spoken and written language is usual if blindness occurs before deafness.
Most individuals are not completely devoid of either sense, retaining a degree of hearing and/or visual capacity, and this has a bearing on the type of education used. Earless students who have residual vision can take advantage of interpreters and large print texts. Teachers should ensure that the there is enough lighting in the classroom, and no glare. Some students also require extra time allotted to do written exams or assignments, since limited vision means they cannot read at the same pace as their
francis1897 answered the question on March 9, 2023 at 12:53

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