Give some teaching strategies that can be used for students with brain injuries


Give some teaching strategies that can be used for students with brain injuries



Children with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) often have a variety of long-term physical, cognitive and psychosocial difficulties. Teachers, therapists and parents frequently ask how they can help these students succeed in the classroom. Because each child is unique, there is no one teaching program that applies to all students with brain injuries. By adapting instruction or modifying the environment, however, the student can have greater opportunities for success in the classroom and community. The teaching Strategies include:
- use a team approach (general teacher, special staff, building counselor, nurse, administrator) sequential instruction
- arrange the classroom environment to be distraction free
- use short tests and relatively brief testing
- provide clear test instructions with examples
- utilize highly structured tasks
- use technology whenever possible
- provide sequential instruction
- Divide work into smaller sections
- provide clear test instructions with examples
- utilize highly structured tasks
- Frequently repeat information and summarize it
- Reduce distractions in the student‘s work area
- Additional time for review
- use technology whenever possible
francis1897 answered the question on March 10, 2023 at 06:15

Next: Discuss the problems that occur after Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
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