What are some of the teaching strategies that can be used in the learning of chronic health conditions?


What are some of the teaching strategies that can be used in the learning of chronic health conditions?



There is a range of inclusive teaching strategies that can assist all students to learn but there are some specific strategies that are useful in teaching a group which includes students with physical impairment or chronic health conditions.
- Students who use wheelchairs, callipers or crutches, or who tire easily, may find it difficult moving about within the constraints of lecture timetables.
- Students with a mobility disability may sometimes wish to use their own furniture, such as ergonomic chairs or sloped writing tables. Extra space may need to be created in teaching rooms, but this should be done unobtrusively. Some students with back problems may prefer to stand rather than sit.
- Some students may need to use a tape recorder or note taker in lectures.
- Extra time is involved in processing information acquired in this way.
- Social and academic isolation may be an issue for students who are unable to participate in some class activities. One-to-one sessions with a tutor may help fill this gap in participation.
- Because of gaps in schooling or lengthy periods of hospitalization, students initially may be very unsure of what level to pitch their work. They may set unrealistically high standards for themselves, and so you may need to help them focus on more realistic and achievable standards and goals. This process will be assisted if you make your expectations clear and explicit.
- Students with a medical disability may have frequent or unexpected absences from class.
Flexible delivery of teaching material via electronic media is particularly helpful for these students. Consider taping your lectures so that students who are absent do not have to rely on other students for their learning materials.
- Students who are frequently absent will benefit from advance notice of topics to be covered and assignments to be completed. You may need to be flexible about attendance rules and deadlines.
francis1897 answered the question on March 10, 2023 at 06:28

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