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Although forms of giftedness may vary considerably between children, research shows that young gifted children may show a number of skills and abilities. State these...


Although forms of giftedness may vary considerably between children, research shows that young gifted children may show a number of skills and abilities. State these skills



1. Cognitive (thinking) skills
- Ability to master a new skill with unusual speed
- Quick and accurate recall, and ability to recall skills and information presented in the past
- Remembering and making connections between past and present experiences
- A well advanced sense of humour
- Increased alertness to features in the environment
- Exhibiting deeper knowledge than other children of the same age
- Being resourceful and creative, and improvising well in play.

2. Learning style
- Great curiosity, and desire to learn
- High level of motivation in areas of interest
- Being bored easily and becoming frustrated quickly if not challenged
- An ability to concentrate for extended periods in areas of interest
- Generally have advanced planning skills for their age
- Using unusual or imaginative ways of doing things
- Unusually intense interest and enjoyment when learning new things.

3. Motor (physical) abilities
- Development of particular motor skills earlier than other children of same chronological age.

4. Speech and language skills
- Well developed word knowledge and language skills compared to other children of the same age
- Creative use of language - for example, able to make up complex songs or stories, and having an advanced sense of humour.
- Able to adapt and vary their language to match the understanding of older or younger children and adults
- Able to understand and carry out complicated instructions for their age
- Reading, writing, or using numbers in ways that are advanced for their age.
- Advanced play interests and behaviours.

5. Social skills
- Sensitivity to the needs or feelings of others
- Use of verbal skills to handle conflict or to influence another child's behaviour
- Often will organize and direct social and learning activities; may be seen as 'bossy'
- Often seek out and enjoy the company of older children and adults
- May get on better with older children rather than children of their own age
- May be able to take on responsibilities usually given to considerably older children
- Often demonstrate an early interest in social issues involving injustices
- May have unrealistically high expectations of self and others, which may lead to frustration.

6. Visual and spatial skills
- Advanced visual and spatial abilities; for example with puzzles, building and construction materials, drawing, design and/or painting
francis1897 answered the question on March 10, 2023 at 10:06

Next: What are the Levels of Giftedness with reference to intelligence quotient of a child?
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