What are the teaching strategies of autistic children?


What are the teaching strategies of autistic children?



Students with autism and Asperger syndrome benefit from well-structured classrooms, individualized instruction, or small-group instruction (Pueschel et al., 1995).Since students with autism and Asperger syndrome are hypersensitive to sensory stimuli and are easily distracted and anxious, they function best in classrooms where auditory and visual distractions are minimized. As with children who have developmental disabilities, applied behavioural analysis procedures sometimes have been effective in helping autistic children learn more effectively (Alberto & Troutman, 1995). These students also benefit from explicit teaching and modelling of social skills, social interaction, and social cognition (Steiner-Bell, 1998). Keyboards, sign boards, and other visual aids may also be used to help students with autism to communicate. When the aching:
- be concise with verbal directions
- be consistent
- incorporate communication/language
- instruction with all areas of learning, especially with younger children
- keep instruction routine and predictable
- seat student in front of class for better concentration on the visual presentations of material
- use pictures or words to reflect daily routines or instruction
francis1897 answered the question on March 10, 2023 at 10:59

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