With the aid of a diagram, discuss the project life cycle and IT development


With the aid of a diagram, discuss the project life cycle and IT development




Define Project Goal
- Defining the project's overall goal should be the first step of the project.
- This goal should focus on providing business value to the organization.
- A well-defined goal gives the project team a clear focus and drives the other phases of the project.

Plan Project
- A project plan essentially answers the following questions:
(i). What are we going to do?
(ii). Why are we going to do it?
(iii). How are we going to do it?
(iv). Who is going to be involved?
(v). How long will it take?
(vi). How much will it cost?
(vii). What can go wrong and what can we do about it?
(viii). How did we estimate the schedule and budget?
(ix). Why did we make certain decisions?
(x). How will we know if we are successful?
- In addition, the deliverables, tasks, resources, and time to complete each task must be defined for each phase of the project.
- This initial plan, called a baseline plan, defines the agreed upon scope, schedule, and budget and is used as a tool to gauge the project's performance throughout the life cycle.

Execute Project Plan
- After the project's goal and plan have been defined, it's time to put the plan into action.
- As work on the project progresses, scope, schedule, budget, and people must be actively managed to ensure that the
project achieves its goal.
- The project's progress must be documented and compared to the project's baseline plan.
- In addition, project performance must be communicated to all of the project's stakeholders.
- At the end of this phase, the project team implements or delivers a completed product to the organization.

Close Project
- As was mentioned, a project should have a definite beginning and end.
- The closing phase of a project ensures that all of the work is completed as planned and as agreed to by the project team
and the sponsor. Therefore, there should be some kind of formal acknowledgement by the sponsor that they will accept
(and pay for!) the product delivered.
- This closure is often capped with a final project report and presentation to the client that documents that all promised
deliverables have been completed as specified.

Evaluate Project
- Evaluating whether the project met its goal can be made only after the system has been implemented.
- In addition, both the project team and the project itself should be evaluated at the end of the project.
- The project manager may evaluate each project team member's performance in order to provide feedback and as part of the organization's established merit and pay raise processes and procedures.
- Often, however, an outside third party, such as a senior manager or partner, may audit the project
todeterminewhethertheprojectwaswell-managed,providedthepromiseddeliverables, followed established processes, and met specific quality standards.
francis1897 answered the question on March 13, 2023 at 07:31

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