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What are the precautions against unauthorized access?


What are the precautions against unauthorized access?



a) Restrict physical access.
Physical access to computer systems should be restricted to ensure that no unauthorized person gets access to the system.
Some of the ways of restricting physical access include:
- Locking of doors.
- Use of personal identification cards.
- Use of fingerprint identification.
- Use of special voice-recorders. They analyze the voice of a trespasser and checks against the database containing the voice patterns of valid users.

b) Password protection.
Install a password to restrict access to the computer system.
A Password is a secret code that can be used to prevent unauthorized access of data in a computer.
Passwords can be put in at various levels:
- At the point of switching on the computer – to restrict access to the computer.
- On folders/directories – to restrict access to entire folders/directories.
- On files – to restrict access to individual files within a directory.
- On database systems – to restrict access to individual data elements.
When a valid password is entered, the user gets access to the computer system. Usually, the user is allowed three (3) attempts to get the password correct. If an invalid password is entered, access is denied after the 3 attempts.
Some computer security systems may generate an alarm if someone tries to use a fake password.
NB: You should never use passwords that can easily be linked to you, e.g., your name, birth date, or names of people close to you.
francis1897 answered the question on March 15, 2023 at 06:41

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