What reasons that make the choice of media vary?


What reasons that make the choice of media vary?



1. The time necessary to prepare and transmit the message considering its urgency.
2. The complexity of the message. What channel will enable it to be most readily understood?
3. The distance the message is required to travel and in what condition it must arrive.
4. The need for a written record e.g. confirmation of transactions, legal documents.
5. The need for interaction or immediate exchange e.g. question and answer, instant feedback etc.
6. The need for confidentiality
7. The need to distribute the information widely and quickly.
8. Sensitivity to the effect of the message on the recipient. The need for tact, personal involvement, etc
9. Cost, in relation to the above factors, for the best possible result at the least possible expense.
francis1897 answered the question on March 15, 2023 at 08:29

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