Outline the characteristics of body language in communication


Outline the characteristics of body language in communication



1. VOICE– It is an extraordinary human attribute. Our voice reveals our gender, age, background, level of education, emotional state etc. It has 3 characteristics. Tone, volume, and pitch. Tone is the quality of the voice. Volume is loudness or softness. Pitch is the high or low note of scale.

2. SILENCE – It is a tactful means of communications it may indicate several things. The terms ‘dead silence’, ‘stony silence’, ‘embarrassing silence’, show that silence has a multiple meanings. It means different things in different cultures.

3. FACIAL EXPRESSION – It is an obvious communicative factor. It influences many people. Several expression of face convey meanings even before we speak. Cheerful faces, a gloomy face, are some of the communicative examples.

4. EYE CONTACT – It is a difficult form of communication. The comfort level of the eye contact is 3 seconds. Anything beyond that amounts to staring. Persons with lack of self confidence often avoid eye contact.

5. GESTURES – gestures are the movements of hand and body, they are natural and act as conjunction to verbal communication. They are used to emphasize or clarify a verbal message. they display our emotions while expressing a message.

6. POSTURE – It is the way we hold ourselves The way we sit, stand or hold our body contributes a lot communication Graceful posture is a great asset in any profession.

7. SPACE – The amount of space we keep with different people communicates our closeness to that person. The space of offices, a large office desk, a big car also suggest a position of importance.

8. TIME – Our use of time is an even more subtle non-verbal factor of communication.
Time managements creates an impression of efficiency.

9. ENERGY – This aspect is hard to describe but easier to spot. People of high energy levels manage to create an atmosphere charged with enthusiasm and motivates other to do so. The high energy could be in in the form of intellectual, Spiritual or emotional energy. State of physical and mental health plays a big role in it.

10. CLOTHING – This creates the first impression of the people and is a powerful source of communication. It depends on colour, cut, fit, fabric etc. appropriateness o for the season and occasion is important.

11. APPEARANCE – Besides clothing other factors like appearance and hygiene plays an important role in positive communication. Personal hygiene and neatness, care of nails, hair , accessories like tie, belt, jewelry etc. contributes a lot to make a good impression.
What ever you wear should be graceful and comfortable.
francis1897 answered the question on March 15, 2023 at 11:37

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