Describe the Maslow hierarchy of needs


Describe the Maslow hierarchy of needs



Maslow advances a theory of human needs referred to as a hierarchy of needs. In his theory he pointed out that some needs, particularly physiological needs, are basic to others. It follows that such needs must be satisfied before higher needs can be felt and fulfilled, hence the use of the term ‘hierarchy’.
According to Maslow’s view of motivation, physiological needs are the strongest, the most demanding of satisfaction. It is reasonable to expect, therefore, that drive reduction will be aimed primarily at these lowest of needs. If the needs at the physiological level have been fulfilled, the person concerned will be faced with the next level of needs – the safety needs such as the need to avoid or escape danger and the need to be secure and protected. This is followed by the family and to be part of a group. There is also what is called the need for self-esteem – the need to have the respect, confidence and admiration of others and to gain self-confidence and self respect. Once all of these needs have been fulfilled the person will be motivated towards self-actualization towards knowing and understanding, and towards finding(deriving) satisfaction from being sensitive to the beauty of human beings, their accomplishments, and the natural environment.
The first four needs are called deficiency needs and their fulfillment is greatly dependent on other people. The rest are referred to as being needs and their satisfaction is dependent on the individual himself. The second group or needs echoes Rousseau’s (1762) theory. He said that man is naturally good and happy. In view of this, people ought to learn through their experiences with nature, learn to depend on things existing within their environment, and learn to depend on themselves and to be independent of other people.
francis1897 answered the question on March 17, 2023 at 06:25

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