Describe the commercial cultivation of sugarcane from land preparation to the harvesting stage.


Describe the commercial cultivation of sugarcane from land preparation to the harvesting stage.



i) Land preparation to harvesting

- Land is ploughed using machines
- Furrows are made in the field
- Sugarcane cuttings are dipped in insecticides before planting
- Fertilizer is applied in the field severally
- The sugarcane cuttings (setts) are buried/planted in furrows
- Weeding is done severally/spraying of herbicides
- Crop matures at about 18 – 24 months and cane is manually harvested using matchets/pangas
- Cane is piled in heaps and loaded into tractors to factories

Processing to marketing of sugar

- At the factory, cane is received and weighed
- It is washed and later crashed to remove juice
- Juice is boiled for water to evaporate
- It is stirred in tank to allow formation of crystals
- Crystals are separated form molasses
- For white sugar, bleach is added
- Sugar is dried/graded/refined
- Sugar is weighed and packed
- Sugar is sold to marketing board
- Marketing board distributes sugar to wholesalers
gideon1 answered the question on October 4, 2017 at 11:15

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