Explain how the following influence population growth (i) Fertility (ii) Migration (iii) Mortality


Explain how the following influence population growth.
i) Fertility
ii) Migration
iii) Mortality



- High fertility rate leads to high population growth rate while lower fertility leads to low
population growth rate. High fertility rates may result from low level of education traditional
attachments and poor methods of family planning.
- When people migrate from a country to a foreign country the population declines and the
population of the recipient countries increases. 3x1 (3mks)
- High death rate has a negative effect on population growth as it reduces the number of people.
A low death rate would affect the population growth positively in that the number of people
increases as the birth rate is higher than death rate.
gideon1 answered the question on October 4, 2017 at 11:23

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