Explain four ways in which road transport has been improved in Kenya.


Explain four ways in which road transport has been improved in Kenya.



- Construction of highways / dual carriage ways / road expansion to accommodate more traffic /
improve traffic flow.
- Construction of bypasses / fly-overs / underpasses to reduce congestion / improve traffic flow.
- Rehabilitation / maintenance of major roads to reduce accidents / improve traffic flow.
- Control of load carried by trailers / big lorries to reduce damage on road surfaces.
- Education road users / public on road safety precautions / discipline on roads to ease traffic /
reduce accidents.
- Providing paths for pedestrians / cyclists to reduce congestion on roads / improve road safety.
- Enforcing traffic rules to reduce road accidents / regulate traffic flow.
- Amendments of the Traffic Bill in 2012 by introducing more stringent traffic rules to ensure
improved road safety.
gideon1 answered the question on October 4, 2017 at 12:01

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