While the Nandi resisted against the British, the Maasai collaborated with them. Here are the consequences of Nandi resistance against the British and how it differed from that of the Maasai.
The Nandi warriors were made or recruited into the colonial police force. They had put up a spirited fight against the British and the colonial masters saw it fit to make them part of their colonial force. For the Maasai due to their cooperation and collaboration with the British, they were made mercenaries in conquering other communities.
The Nandi lost their independence and livestock were taken by the British. The Maasai still kept their livestock but were forced to reduce them.
Nandi leader Koitalel Arap Samoe was killed and many of the Nandi lives were lost. The Maasai leader was made a paramount chief. This meant that they had lost their independence and put under colonial rule.
The Nandi remained a united people but under the British rule while the Maasai lost their independence and were divided into two groups. One group was led by Lenana and another by Sendeyo.
Edwinnyongesa8 answered the question on April 21, 2018 at 07:41
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