- The mammalian lung has small and millions of alveoli which increases the surface area in which diffusion takes place.
- The membrane around the alveoli is thin and is made up of squamous epithelium which is flat, which further increases the surface area and reduces the diffusion distance. Larger the surface area, the faster the the gaseous molecules come into contact with the surface, thus increasing the rate of diffusion of gases.
- The lungs are very well ventilated. there is high concentration of oxygen in the alveoli and high concentration of CO2 in the blood vessel from the heart, thus CO2 diffuses out if the blood into the lungs via the moist lining and O2 diffuses from the alveoli into the blood vessels. The moist lining makes gaseous exchange possible as gas exchange would dissolve into the moisture thus the gases diffuses faster.
- The alveoli is surrounded by a vast network of capillaries which is one cell thick, which reduces the diffusion distance and also makes the gases diffuse much more faster and efficient. The network of capillaries also maintains a steep concentration gradient thus increasing the rate of diffusion.
Mohaissack answered the question on October 5, 2017 at 12:07
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