Describe the factors which control the rate of breathing in humans


Describe the factors which control the rate of breathing in humans



breathing movements usually occur unconsciously

it is controlled by the medulla oblongata part of the brain situated at the breathing centre

medullar oblongata is in the brain

respiratory centre transmits impulses to the diaphragm through phrenic nerves

carbon iv oxide concentration in the blood determines the breathing rate

if carbon iv oxide is less, the brain is triggered to decrease breathing rate

cardiac frequency decreases and the arterioles constrict

therefore carbon iv oxide level is raised

this brings back to normal level of breathing and carbon iv oxide level increases/is more

the brain is triggered to increase breathing rate

cardiac frequency is increased

there is vasodilation of arterioles

carbon iv oxide level falls

therefore the normal level is attained and carbon iv oxide is removed faster
Mohaissack answered the question on October 5, 2017 at 12:18

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