- Why is it important for management to align the IT strategy to the Corporate Strategy?(Solved)
Why is it important for management to align the IT strategy to the Corporate Strategy?
Date posted: April 13, 2021.
- Differentiate between a Corporate Strategy and an IT strategy.(Solved)
Differentiate between a Corporate Strategy and an IT strategy.
Date posted: April 13, 2021.
- Using as much of the foregoing information as you need, and inventing any additional minor details as appropriate, write a report to the Managing Director...(Solved)
With technology integration and the web’s high speed environment which forces constant
collaboration, an organization must react in real time to its strategic changes. This will only be
possible if it exploits new Internet technologies.
Successful e-companies share fundamental principles that have proved critical to their success
in the global marketplace.
You have been requested by the Managing Director of your organization to carry out a study of
business transformation on the Internet in order to identify several important factors common to
their success in the business world. Your report will be tabled at the next board meeting. You
obtain the following information from various sources through Internet.
• The most successful organizations are being pushed by their top management to exploit new Internet technologies.
• Understanding e-commerce is a key to success in today’s globalizing economy, where rules formulated in distant capitals have an increasing impact on cross-border trade and competition in home markets.
• Businesses have been swift in realizing the opportunities provided by the web and
have developed websites in order to advertise and sell products and services, promote
corporate images and; to provide information (especially public services).
• Advantages in using the web include a reduction in the cost of advertising, cheaper and
easier provision of information, the lack of a need to maintain a shop front, the ease of
crossing geographical boundaries and the absence of a middleman.
• The web’s high-speed environment forces tight cross-functional integration across al
the company’s business divisions and functions and will also force management to
acquire IT skills as well as business skills to lead such change.
• Businesses are using intranets for the internal display of company manuals covering
employment and other procedures; easily updated internal news and information
services, company catalogues; and project notice boards (to which project participants
can add information and comments to be seen by all).
• Intranets enable employers to talk with and challenge one another, share ideas and
create new knowledge fostering experimentation with new ideas, products and services
before they are launched.
• The network also extends to customers through the use of extranets for enhancing
customer relationships and managing its supply-chain.
• Companies can generate over 50% of their total revenue on-line with about 40% of unit
volume shipped directly to customers without the company ever touching the product.
• Putting the customer in the driver’s seat makes business sense, especially given the
one-to-one marketing focus that is becoming the hallmark of electronic commerce.
• Many companies, not only welcome you by name on their sites (if you have previously
purchased a product), but also remember your preferences and uses intelligent datamining
software to suggest related products and services.
• They make you feel at home on their sites, so much so that you don’t mind doing some
‘work’ for them such as order entry which saves their time and money.
• The Internet is uncharted territory and successful internet companies are continually
• While the market will be the final judge, the important lesson is that companies are
taking risks to become more efficient than they are now.
• The manager from an internet start-up advised, “in our organization, failing is acceptable,
failing to learn from failure is not acceptable.”
• Successful companies hire not only the best, but the right kind of people who accept
an environment of rapid change, aggressive growth, are optimistic and like to have fun
while working hard.
• Rewards in terms of very high on-line sales accounting for more than 50% of total sales
are driving most companies in the direction of e-commerce.
• The question ‘to be or not to be on the internet’ is no longer relevant – the real question
has become how to develop a successful Internet strategy.
• Organizations that do not make this transition will fail, they will become irrelevant, or
cease to exist.
• The use of Internet and the Web will continue to grow in importance for business as
new applications are exploited and the number of people able to access the internet
Using as much of the foregoing information as you need, and inventing any additional minor details as appropriate, write a report to the Managing Director which will be presented for discussion during the next board meeting.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- What is meant by the term ‘effective listening? Describe how this skill may be acquired and developed.(Solved)
What is meant by the term ‘effective listening? Describe how this skill may be acquired and developed.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- To whom does the entrepreneur owe a duty of obligation in meeting the ends of his business?(Solved)
To whom does the entrepreneur owe a duty of obligation in meeting the ends of his business?
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- What is Social Responsibility as applied in entrepreneurship?(Solved)
What is Social Responsibility as applied in entrepreneurship?
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- Whose responsibility is it to prepare the business plan? Why is this so important?(Solved)
Whose responsibility is it to prepare the business plan? Why is this so important?
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- Proponents of various schools of thought on the motivational theory of entrepreneurship have come up with various arguments to explain why an entrepreneur would go...(Solved)
Proponents of various schools of thought on the motivational theory of entrepreneurship have come up with various arguments to explain why an entrepreneur would go into business. Clearly explain the various schools of thought as you understand them.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- What do you understand by the term ‘Motivational theories of entrepreneurship?(Solved)
What do you understand by the term ‘Motivational theories of entrepreneurship?
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- John Kamau has won Kshs. 500,000 in the charity sweepstake. He has decided to open a hotel at the city center selling fast foods. Advice...(Solved)
John Kamau has won Kshs. 500,000 in the charity sweepstake. He has decided to open a hotel at the city center selling fast foods. Advice John on the various forms of business ownership and the factors he should bear in mind in choosing which form would be appropriate for his business.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- What thought process should the entrepreneur apply in identifying a business opportunity?(Solved)
What thought process should the entrepreneur apply in identifying a business opportunity?
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- In its attempt to promote ethical behavior in the use of communication tools in the organization, list 3 guidelines that management can use to achieve...(Solved)
In its attempt to promote ethical behavior in the use of communication tools in the organization, list 3 guidelines that management can use to achieve this end.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- List 4 ways in which the Internet revolutionized the mode of transactions today.(Solved)
List 4 ways in which the Internet revolutionized the mode of transactions today.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- State the disadvantages of Fax over Telex.(Solved)
State the disadvantages of Fax over Telex.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- Highlight the advantages of Fax over Telex.(Solved)
Highlight the advantages of Fax over Telex.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- Highlight the special features of Fax.(Solved)
Highlight the special features of Fax.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- Define a teleprinter.(Solved)
Define a teleprinter.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- State and explain the guidelines on computerization in entrepreneurship and communication.(Solved)
State and explain the guidelines on computerization in entrepreneurship and communication.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- To make a good presentation, identify 6 pointers that can be useful to an amateur presenter.(Solved)
To make a good presentation, identify 6 pointers that can be useful to an amateur presenter.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- For what purpose would an organization require postal and courier services?(Solved)
For what purpose would an organization require postal and courier services?
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- What constitutes the format of a report?(Solved)
What constitutes the format of a report?
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- What are the main functions of reports?(Solved)
What are the main functions of reports?
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- What are the main types of meetings and what are they designed to achieve?(Solved)
What are the main types of meetings and what are they designed to achieve?
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- State and explain 2 types of reports.(Solved)
State and explain 2 types of reports.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- What is a report?(Solved)
What is a report?
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- Highlight the purposes of employment interviews.(Solved)
Highlight the purposes of employment interviews.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- Highlight the functions of meetings.(Solved)
Highlight the functions of meetings.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- Identify 4 communication media the entrepreneur can choose from in setting up his communication system.(Solved)
Identify 4 communication media the entrepreneur can choose from in setting up his communication system.
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- What is the importance of the following to an entrepreneur?
• Outsourcing
• Trade Fairs(Solved)
What is the importance of the following to an entrepreneur?
• Outsourcing
• Trade Fairs
Date posted: April 12, 2021.
- What does an entrepreneur need for him to set up an online shop?(Solved)
What does an entrepreneur need for him to set up an online shop?
Date posted: April 12, 2021.