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  • Taja: i) Irabu za mbele. ii) Irabu ya kati iii) Irabu za nyuma(Solved)

    Taja: i) Irabu za mbele. ii) Irabu ya kati iii) Irabu za nyuma

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Taja aina mbili kuu za sauti katika kiswahili.(Solved)

    Taja aina mbili kuu za sauti katika kiswahili.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Soma Ufahamu ufuatao kisha ujibu maswali. Beata alikuwa msichana mrembo lakini alikuwa haambiliki, hasemezeki . Fauka ya hayo, alikuwa na tamaa isiyo na kifani.(Solved)

    Soma Ufahamu ufuatao kisha ujibu maswali. Beata alikuwa msichana mrembo lakini alikuwa haambiliki, hasemezeki . Fauka ya hayo, alikuwa na tamaa isiyo na kifani. Alipokuwa katika shule ya msingi, walimu na wazazi walimfunza umuhimu wa kuwa na maadili. Isitoshe, alifunzwa masomo vyema lakini akili yake ilikuwa butu. Akawa haingizi chochote cha maana ila uchafu wa fikira. Nyumbani nako hakuzingatia maonyo. Alikuwa hatulii. Wakati fulani wa krismasi, Beata alipomaliza tu shule ya msingi, alikutana na mwanamume mmoja mliliwa na wasichana wengi; mtajika kwa mali na jina lake ni Mshikaji . Beata akadanganywa akadanganyika. Akatorokea kwa huyu Mshikaji ambaye alikuwa ameshawataliki wake wawili tayari. Akawa mke mlezi. Ikabidi awalee watoto waliobaki na baba yao baada ya mamazao kutanzuka. Beata mwanzoni aliona raha, ingawa alikereka kuitwa mama kabla hata ya kumpokea mwana wake mwenyewe. Aliwabeza waliokuwepo awali na akajiona kuwa yeye ndiye mchukuzi bora. Akadharau kuwa pakacha likivuja, nafuu huwa ni kwa yule mchukuzi. Aliwaona wenzake kama maua yaliyonyauka na lake ndilo kwanza linaonana na jua. Muda si muda, akajikuta ana wana watatu kwa kipindi kifupi. Mumewe naye hakutulia na mambo ya nje. Akaimarisha nyendo zake za kiguu na njia, akipochoka, akiingia garini na kuikata mitaa. Beata aende wapi? Alifungika nyumbani ndi ndi Akamlea mwana huyu na yule; wake na wale wa kambo. Vijisenenesenene vikazidi. Lakini akajaribu kuvumilia akidhani atazila mbivu, wapi! Alipoligema ilibidi alinywe. Siku zikaja na kupita. Beata akajuta kwa kutosikiliza wakuu na kumkimbilia mtu ambaye hata hakuwa anamuelewa vizuri. Pesa na raha alizokuwa amezikimbilia akawa anazisikia kama hadithi ndotoni. Kwao nako kukawa hakurudiki. Beata akawa majamzito tena kama kawaida akawa anaenda kliniki za wajawazito. Alipopimwa ikabainika kuwa ana ukimwi. Mtoto alipozaliwa akafariki. Yule mumewe akaanza kumnyanyasa. Baada ya miaka mitatu, bwana Mshikaji, aliyekuwa akijitapa kwa unene na mali, akaanza kupotelewa na kiriba chake cha tumbo. Homa za hapa na pale zikaanza kumyemelea. Vipelevipele vikamsambaa mwilini. Hata akamsingizia Beata kuwa ni yeye aliyeuleta huo ukimwi Ilikuwa ni wazi kuwa msambazaji alikuwa ni yeye bwana. Waliokuwa pembe za chaki waliujua ukweli ulipokuwa . Baadhi ya vidosho wake walishaanza kupukutika kama majani yafanyavyo wakati wa mapukutiko. Isitoshe, wengine walikuwa hoi vitandani wakiwa hawajui waingiao wala watokao. Ugonjwa wa kamata ulishawakamata. Mwisho akawa ni wa kulazwa na kutoka hospitali hizi na zile. Pesa zikawaishia, wakawa waya. Beata akawa hana budi kuviuguza vidonda ndugu vyake na vya mumewe. Hatimaye, mumewe akabwagwa chini na ukimwi na akafafo! Si ndugu si marafiki, hawakumuelewa Beata. Waliamuona kama pweza aliyejipalia makaa makubwa ya moto makali. Ada za shule zikawa ni shida. Huruma ikwaingia watu. Watu wakasema. “Lisilobudi hutendwa.” Wakaubeba mzigo kwa hiari yao. Wakawafanyia watoto harambee ya ada na peza za matibabu. Mwishowe Beata naye aliaga dunia akiwa bado mbichi kwa umri. Hata miaka ishirini alikuwa bado hajafikisha. Watoto ikabidi walelewe na wahisani. Hapo walimwengu wakaja kutambua ukweli kwamba, uzuri si hoja hoja ni tabia. Isitoshe mtu akikimbiliwa na kila mtu, ukimwi hatauepuka. Mtu akiupata, hufa. Anadidimiza watu wengi pamoja na familia yake. Jamii ilifunzwa pia kuwa unene si hoja. Hata watu vibonge huweza kuleta ukimwi. Basi, jamii hiyo ikaazimia kuwa wao hawatakuwa watumwa wa tabia iletayo ukimwi. Walitambua kuwa ukimwi unarudisha nyuma maendeleo na kuipakaza jamii mizigo isiyo tarajiwa. Nasi tutahadhari kabla ya hatari 1. Andika kichwa kifaacho kisa hiki 2. Ni jambo gani lililomkera Beata baada ya kuolewa na Mshikaji? 3. Toa sababu moja iliyomfanya Beata kuwadharau wenzake waliomtangulia kwa mshikaji? 4. Ni kwa nini Beata alianza kujuta? 5. Toa sababu moja kuonysha kuwa Mshikaji ndiye aliyeusambza ukimwi 6. Kulingana na kifungu hiki taja hasara zinazoletwa na ukimwi. 7. Kwa nini walimu na wazazi hawangelaumiwa kwa yale yaliyompata Beata? 8. Andika maana ya: i) butu ii) Kope zikawa si zake iii) Akiwa bado mbichi iv) Kuzanzuka v) Vijisenensenene.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow. One afternoon, a big wolf waited in a dark forest for a little girl to come...(Solved)

    Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow. One afternoon, a big wolf waited in a dark forest for a little girl to come along carrying a basket of food to her grandmother. Finally the little did come along and she was carrying the basket of food. Are you carrying the basket to your grandmother? asked the wolf. The little girl answered, “ ”Yes I am.” So the wolf asked the girl where her grandmother lived. When the girl told him, he disappeared to the woods. When the little girl opened the door of her grandmother’s house, she noticed there was somebody in bed with a night cap and a night gown. She realized that it was the wolf, so the little girl took a gun from her basket and shot the wolf dead. i) If you were narrating this story, how would you ensure your audience remains glued to the story? i) How would you say the words of the girl and the wolf in your narration? ii) How would you prepare yourself to effectively tell the story?

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Fill in the blanks in the passage below with an appropriate word.Four weeks to the Africities Summit, (i) ………………………….. the host city of Kisumu is...(Solved)

    Fill in the blanks in the passage below with an appropriate word. Four weeks to the Africities Summit, (i) ………………………… city of Kisumu is bristling (ii) ……………………………………. excitement and anticipation, with good reason. (iii) ………………………………….. 10,000 visitors are expected to converge on the lakeside city, drawn (iv) …………………………. By a continental summit that happens one every three (v) ………………………… About 5,000 of them will be foreign delegates keen to join in a discourse that African cities and how they evolving into a truly unpredictable (vi) …………………………… The other 4000 will be exhibitors at a gigantic exhibitions Center and service providers to ensure that the (vii) ………………………………. do not lack anything. Many have been skeptical (viii) ………………………….. Kisumu could handle such a large influx of people even if it is the third largest city in the country. Well, the city is well-prepared in all aspects. It has been for a while. Significant investments have been made in infrastructure and (ix) ……………………………. is still going on to complete roads around and near the Mambolea ASK Showground where the event will be held. The major streets are spruced up, as they have been for many months, thanks to the work done (x) …………………………. the County Government of Kisumu.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • During the mid-term break, you read an interesting novel and you would like to recommend it to one of your classmates. Write a book review...(Solved)

    During the mid-term break, you read an interesting novel and you would like to recommend it to one of your classmates. Write a book review of the novel.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Drama: Inheritance: David Mulwa “Fate has a way of punishing or rewarding its victims based on their actions”. Drawing illustrations from the play Inheritance by David...(Solved)

    Drama: Inheritance: David Mulwa “Fate has a way of punishing or rewarding its victims based on their actions”. Drawing illustrations from the play Inheritance by David Mulwa, Write an essay to justify this statement.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Short Stories: Memories we Lost and Other Stories: Chris Wanjala. Write a composition on the challenges experienced by the sick girl and her family members citing...(Solved)

    Short Stories: Memories we Lost and Other Stories: Chris Wanjala. Write a composition on the challenges experienced by the sick girl and her family members citing illustrations from the short story Memories we lost by Lidudumalingani Mqombothi.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. i. As soon as the students completed the exams, they returned all the books to the library...(Solved)

    Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. i. As soon as the students completed the exams, they returned all the books to the library (Begin: No sooner). ii. If you invite him, he will come to the party (Rewrite.............. unless....................) iii. My class teacher intervened. I was not sent home (combine into one sentence using ‘but for’)

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Supply the appropriate question tag to each of the following sentences. Punctuate then correctly. 1. He never goes out with his dog. 2. Let’s take the next...(Solved)

    Supply the appropriate question tag to each of the following sentences. Punctuate then correctly. 1. He never goes out with his dog. 2. Let’s take the next bus.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition i) I really prefer just about anything _____ watching television. ii) Is it possible to unsure my bike_____ theft? iii) Being...(Solved)

    Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition i) I really prefer just about anything _____ watching television. ii) Is it possible to unsure my bike_____ theft? iii) Being rich doesn’t count ____ much on a desert island

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • For each of the words below write another that is pronounced the same way but is spelt differently and has a different meaning. i) Bare - ii) Stick...(Solved)

    For each of the words below write another that is pronounced the same way but is spelt differently and has a different meaning. i) Bare - ii) Stick - iii) Threw - iv) Forward - v) To -

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Complete the sentence below with the correct form of word in brackets Koki’s remark was..... (repeat) of what Ann had said.(Solved)

    Complete the sentence below with the correct form of word in brackets Koki’s remark was..... (repeat) of what Ann had said.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Fill the blanks with the correct prepositions. a. James has a great passion .....debates. b. My mother prohibited us ....talking to strangers.(Solved)

    Fill the blanks with the correct prepositions. a. James has a great passion .....debates. b. My mother prohibited us ....talking to strangers.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Identify the odd one out in the underlined sounds. i) chase chit choke chauffer cheque ii) book pool fool tool cool (Solved)

    Identify the odd one out in the underlined sounds. i) chase chit choke chauffer cheque ii) book pool fool tool cool

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • You are giving verbal directions to a stranger in your estate. What are the main parts to consider?(Solved)

    You are giving verbal directions to a stranger in your estate. What are the main parts to consider?

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • You have been summoned to the Discipline Teacher’s Office. You are in possession of a bag that was reportedly missing. Complete the gaps in the following...(Solved)

    You have been summoned to the Discipline Teacher’s Office. You are in possession of a bag that was reportedly missing. Complete the gaps in the following conversation. Discipline Teacher (knock!) Yes, come in, Good morning Me …… Discipline teacher: Are you innocent Kibaya? Me:…… Discipline teacher: Tell me about this missing bag. Me…… Discipline teacher: Do you have any substantial proof? Me: …… Discipline teacher: Okey Innocent, I find your explanation convincing. I feel it was a case of mistaken identity. Me…

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • For each of the following words, identify the silent letter (i) Satchet (ii) Tomb (iii) Married (iv) Mortgage (v) Champagne(Solved)

    For each of the following words, identify the silent letter (i) Satchet (ii) Tomb (iii) Married (iv) Mortgage (v) Champagne

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow. A greedy Old Man and the Sausage Once upon a time, there lived an old man....(Solved)

    Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow. A greedy Old Man and the Sausage Once upon a time, there lived an old man. One day he paid a visit to his in-laws. On entering the house of his mother-in-law, he found that she had been roasting some meat, among which was delicious looking sausage and she was not in the house. He immediately took the sausage and quickly shoved it into his quiver. And it so happened that a piece of live coal had got stuck on the sausage but the old man didn’t know. He quickly shut the quiver. No sooner had he sat down than the owner of the house came in. They sat down to talk about the children’s health. When they had finished, it was time for the old man to return to his home. Just then, the woman noticed smoke issuing from the quiver and asked the old man; “Paker, how come the quiver is smoking? The man answered, “Oh. It’s some naughty fire stick with a soft head that smokes whenever it comes into contact with soft wood and the arrows.” The woman kept quiet and got up to escort her guest. When they had walked only a short distance, the fire made a hole in the quiver and the arrows fell out, tak! together with the stolen sausage. The lady, who was walking closely behind, exclaimed: ‘see, had I not known it! Then the old man fearing that his sausage might be eaten shouted, “Oh, my Paker, Please do not do it!” So while the lady ran home in shame, the greedy old man continued with his journey in extreme embarrassment. They showed each other their backs and there ends the story. i) State three things a narrator would do to draw the audience’s attention at the beginning of the story ii) Describe how a narrator would perform line 4-6 of the second paragraph iii) Explain four ways in which audience can indicate active listening in the performance of this narrative iv) Apart from using the ending formula, how else would a narrator signal to the audience the ending of his story?

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. It …… be impossible for us to continue living in this world if …… of us...(Solved)

    Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. It …… be impossible for us to continue living in this world if …… of us knew exactly ………fate had in ……for him. So God in His mercy ………the future from all His creatures, and reveals only the present. ……… a lamb had reason like a man, it could not ……happily, knowing it was destined to be killed for human food. ………, being quite ignorant of its fate, it is happy to the last minute of its short life contentedly ………in the meadow, and even in its innocence licks the hand of the butcher …….is about to slaughter it.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. As we stand, the HIV/Aids pandemic is on the rampage; ravaging the young and the...(Solved)

    Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. As we stand, the HIV/Aids pandemic is on the rampage; ravaging the young and the old alike. It is time for people to decide for themselves what is good and what is not. And the earlier they do this the better. The youth, for instance, can rise up with the message of hope and assure everybody that it is possible for a remnant to remain by just abstaining from premarital sex. And how will they abstain if everywhere they look images of sex stare at them, beckoning alluringly? The thing to remember is that it is their responsibility to censor the stuff that gets into their minds because this will definitely affect the kind of decisions and lifestyle they adopt. Before reading a pornographic book or magazine, they should pause and ask themselves, “Do I hope to become better after reading this? “The same consideration should be made before watching certain movies and listening to offensive music. Guarding one’s mind against trash requires laying down very clear principles. Discipline is imperative, For young people, it is important to choose friends wisely. They should determine what they will be doing when they come together. If a friend is not building them up, or is causing them undue pressure, they should shun him or her. This pressure often takes the form of making those who choose to abstain from pre-marital or illicit sex inadequate. Avoiding idleness is equally important. The wise say an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. The solution is to get busy with constructive activities be they academic, economic, physical or spiritual. Trying out new hobbies such as gardening playing football, swimming, basket weaving, baking and volunteer work is a step in the right direction. Parents must also take full responsibility of bringing up their children. They are the first counsellors of their children especially in the formative stages. Unless they do something in good time, they will cry alone when the disaster of teenage pregnancies, abortion and HIV/Aids happens right under their own roofs. The onus is upon them to freely discuss issues of sexuality with their children. Teachers too have a very crucial role to play in the lives of their students. The youth spend a bigger percentage of their waking moments with their teachers. The teachers not only equip them with academic knowledge but also with the right attitudes and behavior. And it is a good thing that sex education has been introduced in the school curriculum. Studies by AMREF have shown that, contrary to popular belief, sex education does not promote promiscuity. Rather it enlightens its recipient’s health issues. Moreover, places of worship must pitch in with their contributions. They are in an excellent position of imparting the correct moral values to their adherents. Besides, they can provide social and religious activities that will build the youth up spiritually and mentally. Finally, it is incumbent upon the government to put in place legislation governing what the citizens, especially the youth, are exposed to in the form of print or electronic media. In conclusion, the future generation is keenly watching us to see if we will wreck or salvage the boat of their survival. Every member of our society has a part to play in enhancing morality. It is only by doing this that we can hope to check the onslaught of HIV/Aids. Questions a) Why is there need to make a decision soon? b) Rewrite the following sentence in the past: The youth, for instance, can rise up with the message of hope and assure everybody that it is possible for a remnant to remain by just abstaining from premarital sex c) What is pornography and how do you think it influences one’s behavior. d) Rewrite the following sentence in indirect speech They should pause and ask themselves, “Do I hope to become better after reading this?” e) Which words does the author use to show displeasure with some kinds of films and music? f) What sort of friend does the author appear to recommend? g) In note from, give evidence to show that every member of society has role to play in enhancing morality. h) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage. I) beckoning alluringly ii) adherents iii) incumbent upon iv) onslaught

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Read the following story and answer the questions that follow The Monkey and The Crocodile A long time ago, Monkey and Crocodile were very good friends. The...(Solved)

    Read the following story and answer the questions that follow The Monkey and The Crocodile A long time ago, Monkey and Crocodile were very good friends. The Monkey’s house was close to a river and there were many fruit trees on the banks of this river. Usually monkey would sit on the branches of the fruit trees and chat with his friend Crocodile who would be basking on the banks of the river. Their friendship continued for a long time until they decided it was time to introduce their wives to this friendship. "We have been friends for a long time and you don’t even know my house, Crocodile began. "Neither do you know mine," Monkey replied. "It is easier for you to come to my-house that it is for me to visit you since I cannot swim and your house is beyond the water." “That is not a problem. I can always carry you on my back," responded crocodile. "Let us visit my house first. My wife is a very good cook,” Monkey argued. “No” replied Crocodile “My wife has had a baby and there is plenty to eat in the house.” “Let us not argue about this,” Monkey said. ”If we go to my house first, my wife will not be anxious when I tell her I am going across the waters to visit you." They agreed that they would visit Monkey's house first. Though at first Monkey's wife was afraid of crocodile, she later realized that Crocodile was very friendly. She did not have problems with her husband visiting him. In fact she wished she would join him. Monkey was very excited the following day when he got to the banks of the river and found Crocodile waiting for him. This was going to be Monkey's first trip across the waters and he could not hide his excitement. He jumped onto Crocodile's back and Crocodile swiftly swam towards the deep waters. When they were in the middle of the river, crocodile slowed down and began, laughing. "Why are you laughing?" Monkey asked in surprise "You fool. Did you think I would take you to my house? I have waited for that heart of yours for a long time. Today I have it.” Immediately Monkey knew he was in deep trouble. He started thinking of a way out of his predicament. "Poor you, my friend: Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?" Monkey calmly asked. "What do you mean?" asked Crocodile in surprise "It is not difficult for me to give you my heart. If you had asked when we were at my house. I would even have given you my wife's heart too," Monkey replied. Crocodile was confused. "Then why don't you give it to me now?" Crocodile asked. You see my friend; Monkeys have a tradition of leaving their hearts at home when they are going for a long journey. I therefore left mine on my favorite tree." Crocodile was even more confused. "We can go and visit your wife first, and then I will give you my heart when you take me back," Monkey suggested. "No," cried crocodile "I will take you back first. When 1 have your heart, we can then visit my wife." Quickly, Crocodile headed back to the bank of the river. When they got there, monkey jumped from Crocodile's back onto his favorite tree. He asked crocodile to open is mouth wide to receive the heart. Monkey then picked the biggest of the mangoes on the tree and threw it into Crocodile's open mouth. It fell in with a thud, breaking four of Crocodile's teeth. Crocodile was so upset but there was nothing he could do as Monkey jumped from tree to tree insulting him. From that day Monkey and Crocodile have remained enemies. And that is the end of my story and may I not end like it. Questions 1. Classify this narrative and give reasons for your classification 2. Name two characters found in this story 3. a) Using an adjective, describe monkey’s character trait that enabled him save his life from the crocodile b) Illustrate your answer 4. What economic activity is practiced by the people from whom this narrative was collected? 5. Write a proverbs that summarizes the narrative and explain how this proverb applies to the narrative 6. Apart from your answer in A1 above, name two other types of narratives that you know of

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Combine the following sentence using a participle phrase. I had seen the photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there.(Solved)

    Combine the following sentence using a participle phrase. I had seen the photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Fill in the blank spaces with a suitable phrasal verb formed from the word in brackets. i. We surely cannot---------such insults. (put) ii. The captain...(Solved)

    Fill in the blank spaces with a suitable phrasal verb formed from the word in brackets. i. We surely cannot ____such insults. (put) ii. The captain __ his crew throughout the trial. (back) iii. Students have to work very hard to___ for lost time. (make)

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Fill in the blank spaces with the correct preposition i. We danced___ the rhythm of their drums. ii. I have placed the coffee table ___ the shade...(Solved)

    Fill in the blank spaces with the correct preposition i. We danced__ the rhythm of their drums. ii. I have placed the coffee table __ the shade of that tree. iii. The thief dashed__ the house when he saw the police officers.

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Fill in the blank space with the correct form of the word in brackets i. The prices of the items were not__. (negotiate) ii. The students were...(Solved)

    Fill in the blank space with the correct form of the word in brackets i. The prices of the items were not____. (negotiate) ii. The students were quite____ to the new teacher. (receive) iii. The case received a just verdict because the judge is____. (corrupt) iv. The students’ ___ of staying in school to going home for half term was welcome. (prefer)

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • EXCERPT: BLOSSOMS OF THE SAVANNAH Mama Milanoi wondered where that culture had fled to. Was there no one to tame the likes of Oloisudori? Had the...(Solved)

    EXCERPT: BLOSSOMS OF THE SAVANNAH Mama Milanoi wondered where that culture had fled to. Was there no one to tame the likes of Oloisudori? Had the culture become moribund, useless and impotent? Another husky whisper told her the Maa culture had gone nowhere. It was still there and it was intact. It was like the waters of Nasila and all other rivers of Maa. Nasila river had been there as far back as Nasila people could remember. It had sustained the life of man and beast from time immemorial. But Nasila water was no longer the water she drew when she was a little girl. It was no longer the water she and her friends scooped up with their hands and drank happily to quench their thirst after a long hot day in the fields. No, the water was no longer the same. The water had been polluted. In those days the water was so clean and clear that the pebbles on the riverbed were visible. Even the mudfish and the crab-like creatures called enkileleo were so clearly visible in the water one would have thought they were in a clear glass container. That was no more. Upstream, people were washing vehicles, they were washing smelling hides and skins, they were emptying sacks of agricultural chemicals and other offending and poisonous pollutants into Nasila river. It would not be long, Mama Milanoi reasoned sorrowfully, before the life-giving water of Nasila began to sicken and kill. And so was Nasila culture. The founder had intended that the culture would regulate the lives of the people, and indeed it did. It charted out the way for everyone, from cradle to the grave. It defined relationships, it created laws that governed ownership of property and settled disputes. It did not discriminate, it did not favour anyone over the others, it gave everyone a chance to live a full life; it protected everyone within its confines and provided cleansing procedures for those who defiled it. It was simply a cherished way of life for all the Maa people, including those in Nasila. It was no more. It was now defiled and polluted by the likes of Oloisudori. Yes, the old Nasila culture had become mutable and it now contained defiant mutants that it could not regulate and which were above Nasila Laws. She thought of her own house. Yes, change was creeping in. Her daughters were different. They had gone through a school system that intermingled them with children from other cultures. They knew very little of Nasila culture. They were children of a new undefined culture. Theirs was a mutant of another kind. Her daughter Resian, Mama Milanoi thought sadly, as she turned once more on her bed, was a hard nut to crack. She was obstinate and defiant. She certainly epitomized the new undefined culture. She knew she had an independent mind and she was not easy to handle. If her father thought she was docile and that he would just call her and hand her over to Oloisudori, he was in for a rude shock. No amount of intimidation or threats could easily break her. She always said she knew her rights and would not allow anyone to trample on them. Questions a) What happens after this excerpt? b) How could the culture, Mama Milanoi is thinking about, come to her rescue in her current predicament basing your answer from elsewhere in the text? d) Explain the relationship between the current state of the Nasila river and the Nasilian culture d)Explain one way the Kaelo family find themselves at conflict with the Nasilian culture. e)What do we learn about Resian and Mama Milanoi from this excerpt? f)Explain the major issue emerging from this excerpt? g)What is the prevailing mood in this excerpt? h)Illustrate two stylistic devices evident in this excerpt. i)In those days the water was so clean and clear that the pebbles on the riverbed were visible. (Rewrite the sentence starting with; So…) j)Explain the meaning of the following word and phrases i) inter-mingled ii)hard nut to crack

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Use the most appropriate word to fill in the blank spaces so as to form questions. a) ___ is your mother? Is she a nurse or...(Solved)

    Use the most appropriate word to fill in the blank spaces so as to form questions. a) ___ is your mother? Is she a nurse or a teacher? b) ___ did you find at the shop? Tom or Mary? c) ___ of these bags is yours? The red one or the green one? d) ___ pen is this? Is it Wilson’s or Kennedy’s?

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Use the plural forms of the words in brackets to fill in the blank spaces. a) You surely do not need three _____. (radio) b) Remember to...(Solved)

    Use the plural forms of the words in brackets to fill in the blank spaces. a) You surely do not need three _____. (radio) b) Remember to buy grandmother some ____ .(potato) c) The two ___ met so that they could make strategic plans for their locations. (Chief). d) The two ___ disappeared into the nearby bush. (deer)

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.  

  • Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. In case you’ve ever wondered how much time your daughter spends taking selfies, a poll in...(Solved)

    Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. In case you’ve ever wondered how much time your daughter spends taking selfies, a poll in 2015 found that the average woman between 16 and 25 years old spends over five hours a week. It sounds like a lot unless you’ve tried to take selfies yourself and know what an elaborate process it can be. Women take an average of seven shots to get one image, according to the poll; Kim Kardashian said it takes about 15 to 20. Then there are the filters, not to mention real-life alterations like changing lighting or touching up makeup. There are also apps you can use for more drastic procedures like changing your bone structure, slimming your waistline, erasing pimples, and more. Selfies can be silly and lighthearted, of course, notes Alexandra Hamlet, a psychologist at the Child Mind Institute. But she also recognizes the darker side, when photos become a measure of self-worth. “With make up, with retouch, with filters, with multiple, multiple attempts, it’s almost like you’re never going to stack up,” says Dr. Hamlet, “And that is where I think it gets dangerous.” We’re used to worrying about how girls will be affected by seeing too many air-brushed images of models in magazines or movies. But now young people themselves are the models and they’re wielding their own image-editing software. This leads to a lot of self-scrutiny as they try to perfect their own images, and comparisons to the pictures their peers are posting. Experts are understandably worried about what this means for kids’ self-esteem If you’ve been telling your daughter that she’s beautiful just the way she is, she’s getting a different message when she opens up Snapchat and sees filters and lenses that alter appearances. Pictures used to be final; now we have post-production. Dr. Hamlet acknowledges that some of the filters are fun and distort in amusing ways, but also points out there’s a so-called “pretty filter” on Instagram and Snapchat. Beautifying filters are used almost reflexively by many, which means that girls are getting used to seeing their peers effectively airbrushed every single day online. There are also image altering apps that teens can download for more substantial changes. Facetune is one popular one, but there are many, and they can be used to do everything from erase pimples to change the structure of your face or make you look taller. One app called RetouchMe gives your photo a “professional retouch” using a photo editing team for under a dollar. The possibilities can be overwhelming, particularly since girls know they are scrutinized on their appearance — as, of course, they are scrutinizing their peers. Self-esteem often takes a hit when you start comparing yourself too much to other people, which is something social media seems to be made for. One study found that frequently viewing selfies led to decreased self-esteem and decreased life satisfaction. Another study found that girls who spend more time looking at pictures on Facebook reported higher weight dissatisfaction and self-objectification. Parents who want to provide a healthy counterbalance to the pressures of social media can start by evaluating how they use social media themselves. Make sure you aren’t talking too much about the pictures you post or see, or ask your children to take too many pictures. The occasional photo is fine, of course, but make a point of prioritizing being in the moment, too. “If you’re taking your kid to a concert, don’t allow them to film the whole thing and see it only through the eyes of the camera,” says Dr. Hamlet. “That’s reinforcing this concept that just being here is not good enough.” Questions 1. What shows that women take selfies seriously? 2.Mention two drastic procedures that you can use to alter your image 3.Explain how selfies become harmful to those who take them. 4.What do you think is the different message one’s daughter gets when she opens Snapchat? 5.Explain the relationship between self-esteem and social media. 6. Dr. Hamlet acknowledges that some of the filters are fun and distort in amusing ways, but also points out there’s a so-called “pretty filter” on Instagram and Snapchat. (Replace the underlined words with suitable word. 7. From the passage identify two apps mentioned that can be used to alter image 8. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage: a) stack-up b) overwhelming c) self-esteem d)self-objection

    Date posted: November 21, 2022.