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  • Akifisha sentensi hii: alikufa siku ya jumapili tarehe 20 mwezi wa januari mwaka wa 2011.(Solved)

    Akifisha sentensi hii: alikufa siku ya jumapili tarehe 20 mwezi wa januari mwaka wa 2011.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Kwa kutoa mifano mwafaka, onyesha mianzo tofauti katika ngeli ya U-ZI.(Solved)

    Kwa kutoa mifano mwafaka, onyesha mianzo tofauti katika ngeli ya U-ZI.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Andika vigezo vitatu vinavyotumiwa kuainisha irabu.(Solved)

    Andika vigezo vitatu vinavyotumiwa kuainisha irabu.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow Mid -Term Break (Seamus Heaney)I sat all morning in the college sick bay Counting bells...(Solved)

    Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow Mid -Term Break (Seamus Heaney) I sat all morning in the college sick bay Counting bells knelling classes to a close. At two o’ clock our neighbours drove me home. In the porch I met my father crying- He had always taken funerals in his stride – And Big Jim Evans saying it was a hard blow. The baby cooed and laughed and rocked the pram When I came in, and I was embarrassed By old men standing up to shake my hand And tell me they were ‘sorry for my trouble.’ Whispers informed strangers I was the eldest, Away at school, as my mother held my hand In hers and coughed out angry tearless sighs. At ten o’clock the ambulance arrived With the corpse, stanched and bandaged by the nurses. Next morning, I went up into the room Snowdrops And candles soothed the bedside; I saw him For the first time in six weeks. Paler now, Wearing a poppy bruise on his left temple, He lay in the four-foot box as in his cot. No gaudy scars, the bumper knocked him clear. A four-foot box, a foot for every year. (a) What is this poem about? (b) Who is the persona in the poem? (c) How differently does the persona’s father react to this tragedy? (d) Identify and illustrate any two stylistic devices used in this poem (e) Identify and illustrate two character traits of the persona. (f) What is the mood of the poem? (g) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the poem. (i) A hard blow (ii) Whispers

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Soma makala yafuatayo kasha ujibu maswali Ajali haina kinga. Watu wengi wanapotajiwa neno ajali, fikira zao hukimbilia moja kwa moja hadi barabarani.(Solved)

    Soma makala yafuatayo kasha ujibu maswali Ajali haina kinga. Watu wengi wanapotajiwa neno ajali, fikira zao hukimbilia moja kwa moja hadi barabarani. Mara chachemawazo yao huenda viwandani, mashambani au kwenye viwanja vya michezo. Ni nadra sana watu kufikiraia kuwa nyumbani ndiko ajali nyingi zinztokea. Idadi kubwa ya ajali nyumbani hutokea kimchezo tu. Watu wengi wameteleza msalani na wanapata majeraha mabaya. Wengine wameteleza walipokanyaga vitu vyenye unyevu sakafuni, kama vile mafuta, mabaki ya chakula au hata maganda ya ndizi. Ulemavu walio nao watoto na hata watu wazima hutokana na ajali kama hizi wasizofikiria wtu wengi. Ajali vilevile hutokea watu wanapozama katika shughuli au kupata jazba kuu ya kutenda. Katika hali hii, huweza kujiumiza au kuwaumiza wengine bila kujua. Hapa tunazungumzia watu ambao hujaribu kubebe mizigo yenye uzani wasiokadiria. Madhara huwa kuteguka viungo na kuchanika misuli. Aghalabu hulemewa na kubanwa. Mwandishi wa makala haya siku moja alipanda kibao kuangika picha ukutani. Ingawa alikuwa mfupi, ari ilimsukuma kuchuchumia. Matokeo ni kibao kilijisukuma nyuma. Mhusika alianguka akajigonga kidevu. Kitendo hiki kilisababisha yeye kujiuma ulimi vibaya. Kuvunjika jino na hata kuzirai. Bahati ni kuwa alikuwepo mtu aliyempa huduma ya kwanza na kumkimbiza hospitalini. Hat hivyo ajali nyingi hutokana na vifaa vya nyumbani. Zana hizi ni pamoja na visu, meko ya gesi, mashine zinazotumia umeme na kadhalika na huwa hatari sana, hasa kwa watoto. Kitu kidogo hata kama wembe huweza kusababisha madhara makubwa. Kwa hakika hakuna yeyote kati yetu, hata waliokulia katika makasri ya fahari asiye na kovu. Makovu haya ambayo tunayaficha katika mavazi yetu ni ishara ya majeraha kutokana na ajali nyumbani. Je una kovu lolote? Unakumbuka ulivyolipata? Ingawa ajali hizi haziepukiki, yawezekana kuzipunguza. Ni muhimu kukuza tabia na mazoea ya kuwa waangalifu nyumbani. Kwa mfano, ni hatari kuepua chungu chenye maji yanayotokota mekoni kwa mikono mitupu. Aidha ni kutowajibika kuchanganya kitu chochote chenye unyevu na mafuta moto mekoni. Watu wengi wamebambuka ngozi na nyumba kuteketea kwa namna hii. Kwa hivyo ni vizuri kupata ujuzi wa jinsi ya kutumia vifaa na kuhakikisha tunavirudisha ipasavyo. Jambo la tatu na muhimu zaidi ni kuwepo kwa vifaa pamoja na uwezo wa kutoa huduma ya kwanza. Inawezekana kuokoa maisha au kuounguza majeraha kwa kuchukua hatua za dharura. Maswali 1. Eleza maana ya methali ‘Ajali haina kinga’ 2. Kwa nini mwandishi anasema ajali nyumbani hutokea kimchezo? 3. Ni mambo gani mengine yanayosababisha ajali nyumbani? 4. Onyesha vile invyowezekana kupunguza ajali nyumbani. 5. Eleza maana ya: (i) Jazba (ii) Makasri (iii) Makovu (iv) Kuepua

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow. ‘Ne-yeiyo-ai nanyorr,” he called her pleasantly, his voice warm and cordial. “Yeoo,” she answered, greatly surprised by...(Solved)

    Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow. ‘Ne-yeiyo-ai nanyorr,” he called her pleasantly, his voice warm and cordial. “Yeoo,” she answered, greatly surprised by her father’s use of the pleasant diminutive reserved only got the person one loved very much. The determinedly pleasant toner aised an eyebrow. “How was your day, my dear child?” he asked a broad smile lighting his face. “It was fine, Papaai,” she answered a little confused. “Taiyo and I went to Yeiyo- botorr’s garden and helped her weed her potatoes.” “Wonderful,” he roared with a warm friendly laughter, “so you can now weed, eh?” “Of course yes, Papaai,” Resian answered apprehensively. She pushed her hands into the pockets of her skirt and hunched her shoulders defensively. As long as she could remember, her father had never taken the slightest interest in anything she had said or done, except to criticize or rebuke her. That conversation was making her suspicious and uneasy. “I know you are wonderful cook and an efficient housekeeper,” her father said unexpectedly, his eyes glittering in unexplained excitement. “Now that you are able to take care of a farm, I am proud to say I have got a daughter who is an all-rounder, who is able to take care of her own establishment.” “Thank you, Papaai, for the compliment,” said Resian sheepishly, too embarrassed at being the focus of attention. Absent-mindedly she added, “Tomorrow we shall be assisting Yeiyo-kiti to plaster her kitchen.” “No, not tomorrow, Resian,” her father answered emphatically, his tone suddenly hardening. He withdrew behind the wings of his chair the way a tortoise withdraws into a shell. “Tomorrow, I would like you to remain here at home and help your mother prepare lunch for some visitors.” “Visitors?” Resian asked, surprised. “Yes, Oloisudori is coming for lunch,” her father said evenly as if to show there was nothing special about him, “I was going to ask Taiyo to stay and help your mother, but it seems as if you had impressed Oloisudori so much the last time he was here, that he particularly asked that you be here to receive him and his party. It is good to be impressive, isn’t it, eh? ” Resian did not respond. The long moment of the appalled silence was so dense that it was suffocating. It was ominously pregnant and Resian was amazed to see her mother sit quietly as if nothing was happening. “Must I be there, Papaai?” Resian asked desperately. “Surely, Yeiyo can manage on her own. Isn’t it Yeiyo?” “You have to be there, Resian!” her father thundered with finality. “It is important to me that you be there.” “But, Papaai, please…” a) Briefly describe what happens before this except. b) Why doesn’t Resian want to help her mother prepare lunch for Oloisudori? c) From your knowledge of the rest of the novel, explain how Oloisudori came into this family. d) Identify and illustrate three stylistic devices used in this excerpt. e) Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech. Absent-mindedly she added, “Tomorrow we shall be assisting Yeiyo-kiti to plaster her kitchen.” f) Discuss the character of (i) Ole Kaelo (ii) Resian g) Resian notes that her mother is silent in the excerpt. What is implied by her silence? h) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the excerpt. (i) Cordial (ii) Raised an eye brow (iii) Apprehensively

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Read the passage below and then answer the questions that followQuestions abound concerning the sharp increase of low grades in the 2021 KCSE examination results....(Solved)

    Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow Questions abound concerning the sharp increase of low grades in the 2021 KCSE examination results. Of 46,151 candidates, 18,000 more than in the previous exam-scored a mean grade of ‘E’, the lowest possible. Of these, 26578 were males and 19,573 females. In the 2020 exam, 28,046 students scored ‘E’. As usual, the sad turn of events is being normalized with many hiding in the consolation that grades do not matter much. Well, many who failed national tests or dropped out lead meaningful lives. But this shouldn’t cloud our minds, so that we ignore the implication of failure rate: they mean a lot. The statistics need to be interpreted and acted upon, which can only be executed through thorough investigation. Whereas the victims (yes, they are victimized) of low grades have a recourse in technical and vocational education and training institutions, that should not make us complacent. Reasons for failure are legion, and can only be unraveled if we seek them in the right places. Education officials ambushing a few schools considered to have performed dismally to breath fire down the administration’s neck cannot yield good results. The Education ministry ought to move beyond reports from venture philanthropists and activists and reach out to the real sources of truth: Teachers, education experts and other relevant professionals. That will provide a more reliable assessment of these schools’ problems and the possible solutions. Talking to some school heads, especially in county and sub-county schools, blame lands on certain constraints. The first is truancy, where learners attend schools sporadically for many reasons. Some will register for exams and disappear, only to reappear to write the tests. Others are constantly sent home for fees since government capitation arrives quite late. Instructively, most schools suffer teacher shortage; hence their boards of management are forced to hire them at the parent’s cost. Implicitly, the free education mantra does not count in such situations. Another is the low entry marks, courtesy of the 100 percent transition policy. Some students can hardly construct a written sentence yet they are expected to go through secondary Education. Why not take them straight to vocational training? Don’t be hoodwinked by the few exceptional cases that fail KCPE but excel at KCSE. Apply the policy reasonably. Teacher shortage, inadequate resources and socio-economic challenges most parents face make a case for failure. Or why do most top –notch schools perform well? Without prejudice, the top student was in a well-endowed private primary school before joining a public school. Run-down public schools force parents to seek private solutions to public problems-which will prove counterproductive. I have heard that the competency-based curriculum (CBC) will help to reduce failure rates. Well, CBC with all its supposed goodness will simply mask the problems that dog our public education sector. Whether 8-4-4 or 2-6-6-3, we must ascertain that our children are receiving quality education. (a) How do people tend to normalize poor performance in National examinations? (b) From the information given in paragraph 3, what action should be taken concerning the low grades recorded in national examination? (c) In your opinion, do good grades in examination matter in life? Explain your answer. (d) What should not make us complacent? (e) According to the passage, who are the real sources of truth? (f) Make notes on the reasons school heads give for the poor performance in county and sub-county schools. (g) What action does the writer suggest should be undertaken to learners with low entry grades those who can hardly construct a written sentence? (h) Identify an instance of Irony in paragraph seven. (i) But this shouldn’t cloud our minds (Insert a question Tag) (j) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (i) Complacent (ii) Sporadically

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Fafanua dhima tano za fasihi simulizi katika jamii yako.(Solved)

    Fafanua dhima tano za fasihi simulizi katika jamii yako.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Sanaa ni nini? (Solved)

    Sanaa ni nini?

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Taja majukumu mawili ya lugha rasmi.(Solved)

    Taja majukumu mawili ya lugha rasmi.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Taja sifa mbili za lugha ya kitaifa. (Solved)

    Taja sifa mbili za lugha ya kitaifa.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Eleza sifa tatu za sajili ya hospitali.(Solved)

    Eleza sifa tatu za sajili ya hospitali.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Kamilisha methali; Makuukuu ya tai.......(Solved)

    Kamilisha methali; Makuukuu ya tai.......

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Tumia kihisishi hadi kudhihirisha. i) Wakati ii) Mahali(Solved)

    Tumia kihisishi hadi kudhihirisha. i) Wakati ii) Mahali

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Yakinisha senensi ifuatayo. Hatutahitimisha masomo mwaka huu.(Solved)

    Yakinisha senensi ifuatayo. Hatutahitimisha masomo mwaka huu.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Complete the following telephone conversationAnya: Korisai High School. How can I help you?Atyang:................. Anya: Kindly tell me what it is aboutAtyang:...............Anya: Okay, please hold on...(Solved)

    Complete the following telephone conversation Anya: Korisai High School. How can I help you? Atyang:................. Anya: Kindly tell me what it is about Atyang:............... Anya: Okay, please hold on while I put you through to Mrs. Papa’soffice.(Talking to Mrs. Papa) Atyang on the line. She is enquiringabout an application to M.I.T. Mrs. Papa: Good afternoon Atyang. Atyang:............ Mrs. Papa: Oh, congratulation! What course will you take? Atyang: My dream course – Aeronautical Engineering! Mrs. Papa: Marvelous! .............. Atyang: Oh yes! A full scholarship, and guess what? A stipend of US $ 1000 per month for personal upkeep and learning materials. Mrs. Papa: That’s a wonderful achievement. We should invite you soon to give a talk to the form fours on career choices and application for scholarships. Are you free next month? Atyang : I would be honored to do that, but .............. Mrs. Papa: What will you be doing for all that period? Atyang: The admission procedure is a bit stringent ............ Mrs. Papa: Very well then. Let me know when it is convenient for you to come over. ............. Atyang: Actually, two things. First I request you to prepare my academic transcripts and recommendations. Secondly, I would like to inform you that M.I.T has asked that you, as my main referee, accompany me for the pre-admission briefing in Massachusetts in October. Details will follow later. Mrs. Papa: Oh my God! I can’t believe it. Thank you very much: Indeed the sky is the limit for me too!

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Andika kinyume cha sentensi hii. Nyanya aliingia chumbani na akazima taa.(Solved)

    Andika kinyume cha sentensi hii. Nyanya aliingia chumbani na akazima taa.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Ainisha viunganishi katika sentensi zifuatazo. i) Duma hukimbia kuliko mwanadamu. ii) Una chaguo, soma ama uende nyumbani.(Solved)

    Ainisha viunganishi katika sentensi zifuatazo. i) Duma hukimbia kuliko mwanadamu. ii) Una chaguo, soma ama uende nyumbani.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Tunga sentensi yenye kitenzi kisaidizi na kitenzi kuu. (Solved)

    Tunga sentensi yenye kitenzi kisaidizi na kitenzi kuu.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Bainisha aina za nomino zilizotumika katika sentensi ifuatayo. Zabibu alipata malezi mazuri kutoka kwa wazazi wake.(Solved)

    Bainisha aina za nomino zilizotumika katika sentensi ifuatayo. Zabibu alipata malezi mazuri kutoka kwa wazazi wake.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • You are the secretary to the students’ council in your school. The deputy principal has informed you that you are supposed to deliver a speech...(Solved)

    You are the secretary to the students’ council in your school. The deputy principal has informed you that you are supposed to deliver a speech on behalf of the student’s body during the forthcoming form one orientation. Explain what you would do to ensure that you deliver the speech effectively to the benefit of your audience

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Eleza maana mbili zinazojitokeza katika sentensi hii. Nilimchinjia mama yangu kuku.(Solved)

    Eleza maana mbili zinazojitokeza katika sentensi hii. Nilimchinjia mama yangu kuku.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Examine the sets of words below and on the basis of the pronunciation of the sounds that have been highlighted, Circle the odd one out.(i)...(Solved)

    Examine the sets of words below and on the basis of the pronunciation of the sounds that have been highlighted, Circle the odd one out. (i) Choir Chemist Chorus Chasis (ii) Sugar Shame `Sure Same (iii) OCean Cease Cede Cell (iv) Kill Coin Count Cellarage (v) Chic Chick Chin Chores

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Andika sentensi hii kwa wingi. Msimamo unaofaa ni wa uadilifu.(Solved)

    Andika sentensi hii kwa wingi. Msimamo unaofaa ni wa uadilifu.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Onyesha matumizi mawili ya mkwaju katika sentensi. (Solved)

    Onyesha matumizi mawili ya mkwaju katika sentensi.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Ainisha viambishi katika neno lifuatalo. Waliowachezea(Solved)

    Ainisha viambishi katika neno lifuatalo. Waliowachezea

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Bainisha maneno katika sentensi ifuatayo. Aka! Mwalimu mrefu sana anaandika vizuri.(Solved)

    Bainisha maneno katika sentensi ifuatayo. Aka! Mwalimu mrefu sana anaandika vizuri.

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Andika maneno yenye miundo ya silabi ifuatayo. i) KKKI ii) KKI(Solved)

    Andika maneno yenye miundo ya silabi ifuatayo. i) KKKI ii) KKI

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Pigia mstari silabi zinazotiliwa shadda katika maneno yafuatayo. i) Runinga ii) Mto(Solved)

    Pigia mstari silabi zinazotiliwa shadda katika maneno yafuatayo. i) Runinga ii) Mto

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.  

  • Read the story below and answer the questions that follow. They loved their little boy more than anything. Such a bright, beautiful toddler who learned to...(Solved)

    Read the story below and answer the questions that follow. They loved their little boy more than anything. Such a bright, beautiful toddler who learned to say “mommy”before the age of one was pure sunshine for them. But, life has distractions and false beliefs can manifest over the stupidest of miscalculations and assumptions. As the heat built up, silent whispers intensified… There were talks on cell phones, and more and more talks on the phone. Posters were placed on every street. LOST CHILD! (HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LOVELY BABY BOY?) As noon became late, frantic searching replaced any pleasantry. “We didn’t!” they howled as they scrambled to the car hoping for the impossible. That which they cherished and loved was FOUND, but gone. (i) Explain two ways you would use to capture the sad mood before telling this story (ii) Explain how you would perform the following sentence: As the heat built up, silent whispers intensified… (iii) What gesture is your audience likely to use at the end of the story? (iv) Identify one instance of onomatopoeia in the story

    Date posted: November 22, 2022.